Maori Admissions for Architecture

Charlie Belch made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Charlie Belch

Dear Auckland University of Auckland,

On behalf of QuakeCoRE and the University of Auckland, we are undertaking some
equity research relating to Māori admissions into NZ schools of architecture.

Would you be able to provide historic data regarding the following:
· When did AUT start recording ethnicity regarding Architecture admissions.
· Total admissions into any AUT Architecture programme since the tertiary institute was established, Sorted by year.
· Total Māori admissions into any AUT Architecture programme since ethnicity was first recorded, Sorted by year.
· Total graduates from any AUT Architecture programme since the tertiary institute was established, Sorted by year.
· Total Māori graduates from any AUT Architecture programme since the tertiary institute was established, Sorted by year.

Ngā mihi,
Charlie Belch
TUA Research Assistant at School of Architecture
University of Auckland

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