This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Banning overtime'.

18 June 2024 
Alissa Baker 
[FYI request #26373 email] 
Tēnā koe Alissa, 
Your request for official information, reference: HNZ00043413 
Thank you for your email on 9 April 2024, asking Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora for the 
fol owing under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):  
Please provide al  communication including emails, memos, reports and meeting 
minutes relating to limiting or banning overtime amongst clinical staff, including any 
communication with Ministers or DHBs/regions from September 2023 to present 
We tried to clarify the question with you on 15 May 2024. As we had no response from you 
and on the basis that your request would require a significant amount of col ation and 
consultation, we are declining your request under section 18(f) of the Act. However, in good 
faith, we have provided the initial communication that went out to local areas regarding the 
savings required which includes limiting overtime in Appendix 1. Its important to note that 
if limiting overtime has been communicated to you as a ban, this is not accurate. 
Please note that some information not in scope of your request has been redacted as 'Out of 
In addition, I have considered whether fixing a charge for the supply of the information or 
extending the timeframe for response would enable Health NZ to respond. I do not consider 
that either option would remove the impact that supplying the information would have on our 
other operations. 
How to get in touch 
If you have any questions, you can contact us at [email address]. 
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the 
Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available at 
or by phoning 0800 802 602.  
Nāku iti noa, nā  
Danielle Coe 
Manager (OIA) Government Services 
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora 
Health NZ, PO Box 793, 
 Wel ington 6140, New Zealand 

Appendix 1
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
From: Charlotte Long On Behalf Of Fionnagh Dougan
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2024 6:37 PM
To: Andrew Boyd <[email address]>; Andy Windsor
<[email address]>; [email address]; Duncan Bliss
<[email address]>; Joanne Gibbs <[email address]>;
Karla Bergquist <[email address]>; Kate Coley
<[email address]>; [email address]; Mary Cleary-Lyons
<[email address]>; Mathew Parr <[email address]>;
Murray Patton <[email address]>; Rachel Haggerty
<[email address]>; Richard Sullivan
<[email address]>; Russell Simpson
<[email address]>; Sally Dossor <[email address]>;
Alex Pimm (NDHB) <[email address]>; Brad Healey (WDHB)
<[email address]>; Michael Shepherd (ADHB) <[email address]>;
Vanessa Thornton (CMDHB) <[email address]>; Michelle Sutherland
[WaikatoDHB] <[email address]>; Pauline McGrath – [Hauora a Toi
under the Official Information Act 1982
Bay of Plenty] <[email address]>; Alan Wilson [Lakes]
<[email address]>; Bhargav Srinivasan [Tairawhiti]
<[email address]>; Gillian Campbell-EXT <[email address]>; Paula
Jones – [Hawke's Bay] <[email address]>; Sarah Fenwick-EXT
<[email address]>; Katherine Fraser-Chapple – Te Whatu Ora -
Whanganui <[email address]>; Jamie Duncan [CCDHB]
<[email address]>; Kieran McCann [WrDHB]
<[email address]>; Lexie O'Shea [Nelson Marlborough]
<[email address]>; Rachel Mills - SC <[email address]>; Hamish Brown
[Southern] <[email address]>; Philip Wheble-EXT
<[email address]>
Subject: Financial Performance Programme - Action Required
Tēnā koutou
I just met with ELT regarding the Financial Sustainability Programme. For the last three months

of year being diligent in our management practices is critical.
It is really important that our information flow works both ways. Operationally, we will be
seeking to communicate and demonstrate the actions that we are taking to manage the cost
growth curve, supported by data that will tell us how we are going.
I understand that the drop-in sessions this week and the Forums were valuable, and that you
have asked for regular connection points. The PMO team will establish a regular drop-in time to
connect and share information. At a GDO level, we will establish a weekly call (this may become
bi weekly) to check progress against key actions – operationally, GDOs and RDs we are
accountable for meeting our savings commitments. This will be a must attend call.
Please continue to progress the completion of the project and activity templates. The templates
are important as they help identify blocks, and help us make the trade-off decisions that we
need to make, and that you need from us nationally. There is some updated guidance in the
drop in notes.
We understand that you are seeking strong directives from the centre to support you in
implementing actions. Today we discussed and I would like to reiterate the following actions:
The approval of administration and management recruitment is by National Director only.
P&C are providing information to facilitate this process for RDs.
Agency nursing is to be utilised as an exception only, and I expect those exceptions are
signed off at GDO level daily.
Please review annual leave liabilities of all staff, and all staff with leave greater than 5
weeks are to have a leave plan established.
We also discussed planned care. Planned care is to be delivered within your budgets, including
the additional Planned Care one off funding. Any changes before 1 July 2024 need to be done in
consultation with the Delivery Unit. Nationally, the People and Culture team are working on
developing a set of indicators to support us to track our performance, and are commencing
discussions with our key workforce partners around some of the items that you have raised with
us and that you would like to see changed.
I really want to thank you for your time and the dedication that you are applying to this
objective. I will continue to provide updates from our ELT sessions.
I have also attached some material, including:
Notes from the drop in sessions
Summary of savings opportunities from the exercise in early March
List of district contact points for Supply Chain and Procurement
Key messages
Thank you for all your efforts, hope you have a lovely Easter weekend.
Ngā mihi
Fionnagh Douganspita and Speciaist Services
īmēra: fionnaghdougan@tewhatuoragovtnz

Hea th New Zea and   Te Whatu Ora
At Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora we value flexible working. Regardless of when you receive this email, I do
not expect a response outside of your normal working hours.

Document Outline