Student Allowance at UC

Mitchellmatchbox made this Official Information request to Ministry of Social Development

The request was successful.

From: Mitchellmatchbox

Dear Ministry of Social Development,

I would like to request a breakdown of the total amount of students that take-out student loan at University of Canterbury. As well as the total that have a student Allowance at the University of Canterbury.

Yours faithfully,


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tēnā koe Mitchellmatchbox

Thank you for your email received 8 March 2024, under the Official Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate officials at National Office to respond.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Official and Parliamentary Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Ko ta mātou he whakamana tangata kia tū haumaru, kia tū kaha, kia tū motuhake

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Kia ora Mitchell

Thank you for your below request for information.

We are seeking to refine two parts of your request:

Firstly, what date range are you interested in?

Secondly, can you please expand on what you are referring to when you say a breakdown of the total amount of students (for example, is it a breakdown based on gender)?

Please note that once you have refined your request, under section 15(1AA) of the Act, the Ministry will treat your refined request as a new request that replaces the original request. This restarts the 20-working day response period. This is required to ensure that the Ministry has enough time to process your request.

Thank you for considering this refinement of your request.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Official and Parliamentary Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Ko ta mātou he whakamana tangata kia tū haumaru, kia tū kaha, kia tū Motuhake

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From: Mitchellmatchbox

Dear OIA_Requests (MSD),

Thank you for your response.

Firstly, date range would be the last 5 years, so the numbers would be broken down by year.

Secondly, in relation to the breakdown, it would be the total number of students with student loan, total with student allowance, total with both, and total without student loan or allowance. No further breakdown by gender or anything us needed.

Yours sincerely,


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tēnā koe Mitchell

On 13 March 2024 you refined part of the OIA request that you submitted to the Ministry of Social Development:

In particular, whether UC hold the total number of students without a student loan for 1 January 2019 – 29 February 2024.

This part has been transferred to University of Canterbury as the information to which your request relates is not held by the Ministry but is believed to be held by University of Canterbury. In these circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the OIA to transfer your request.

Please note that according to sections 14 and 15(1) of the Official Information Act, the 20-working day response period is reset by the transfer and starts again on the day University of Canterbury receives the transfer notification.

You will hear further from University of Canterbury concerning the above part of your request in due course.

Nā mātou noa, nā

Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau

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Kia ora Mitchell,


I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act (OIA) request
received Friday on behalf of the University of Canterbury. This request
has been partially transferred from MSD to the UC IRM team, we handle OIA
requests on behalf of the University. UC’s reference for this request is
OIA 24.27. We will be back in touch within the timeframes set out in the


Ngâ mihi,  

Eduardo Orlando
Kaitohutohu Pârongo | Information Advisor
Information and Records Management

T: +64 3 369 1157 (Internal 91157)

University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wânanga o Waitaha

Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Attachment image001.jpg
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Attachment OIA response for Mitchell.pdf
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Dear Mitchell


Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.


Yours sincerely


Ministerial & Executive Services | Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.



------------------------------- This email and any attachments may contain
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received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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From: Information and Records Management

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment OIA 24.27 Response letter.pdf
231K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Mitchell,


Please see attached response.


Ngā mihi,


Eduardo Orlando

Kaitohutohu Pārongo | Information Advisor

Information and Records Management

T: +64 3 369 1157 (Internal 91157)

Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury



[2]A close-up of a sign Description automatically generated


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reflect the views of the University of Canterbury, and it is not
guaranteed to be virus free. If you are not an intended recipient, please
notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message and any

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Things to do with this request

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