UAP activity in/around NZ

N. S. Hudson made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force

New Zealand Defence Force did not have the information requested.

From: N. S. Hudson

Dear New Zealand Defence Force,

I have read previously on another FOIA that: "The NZDF has no role or responsibility relating to reports of UAS/UFO. It is standard practice that any such reports received by the NZDF are to be referred to the Civil Aviation Authority. The NZDF neither investigates nor maintains records relating to UAS/UFO sightings."

As NZ's Defence Force I find this concerning considering that some UAP/UFO's have the means to sucessfully jam any form of avionics and even defend themselves with weapons and or maneuvers that are far beyond our capability. If some are such as this, then we would be prudent to assume most, if not all are as well.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in the United States of America has recently listed a website dedicated to the reporting of, and investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena aka. UAP*** (Description below)

Please provide any and all information, including civilian and military reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all information shared between other government agencies and the NZDF, including correspondence, other than that which was released in 2010 to the public archives, relating to:

i) Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena in New Zealand airspace, and in the airspace of our Pacific neighbors prior to 10 September, 2023.
ii) Unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace,and in the airspace of our Pacific neighbors prior to 10 September, 2023. (incase part i above returns a negative result)

Also if I was to operate an "airborne device" at any altitude; at any time I desired within NZ airspace; that did not comply with any New Zealand Law regarding mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external lighting, and official communication:

i) Would that be classified as something of concern, a hazard or worse?
ii) What is the process for tracking, identification, apprehension and prevention of further devices being flown such as above?
iv) What is the process further still if I was unable to be identified, but the non-compliance of NZ law continued unhindered as I pleased?
iii) Is there any part of a process that would lead to a report being made to another authority in New Zealand or Overseas?
iv) Is there a process where the CAA refers any of the above relevant information of "my airborne device" to the NZDF due to concern of non-compliance of mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external lighting, and official communication? Are these things of concern to the NZDF or a matter for another authority other than the CAA?

***"Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) means (A) airborne objects that are not immediately identifiable; (B) transmedium objects or devices; (C) and submerged objects or devices that are not immediately identifiable and that display behavior or performance characteristics suggesting that the objects or devices may be related to the objects or devices described in subparagraph (A) or (B).

The United States Department of Defense considers Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) as sources of anomalous detections in one or more domain (i.e., airborne, seaborne, spaceborne, and/or transmedium) that are not yet attributable to known actors and that demonstrate behaviors that are not readily understood by sensors or observers.

“Anomalous detections” include but are not limited to phenomena that demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known performance envelopes. A UAP may consist of one or more unidentified anomalous objects and may persist over an extended period of time."

I apologize for anything that may have already been asked via someone else. From what I have seen coming out of the Congressional Hearings, interviews with whistle blowers and the AARO, plus historical sightings alone, let alone people's personal experiences that my or may not have occured. These things are present in the skies arpund the world and we can't accept a head-in-the-sand approach or put it in a too hard basket.

Yours faithfully,

N. S. Hudson

Link to this

From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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Good morning N. S. Hudson


Your request below has been received and a decision on your request will
be provided as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday 4 October.
Responses to requests for information that are considered to be in the
wider public interest will be published on the New Zealand Defence Force
website ([1]




Corporate and Ministerial Services

OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force


-----Original Message-----

From: N. S. Hudson
[[3]mailto:[FOI #24058 email]]

Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2023 4:30 p.m.

To: Ministerial Services <[4][NZDF request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - UAP activity in/around NZ


Dear New Zealand Defence Force,


I have read previously on another FOIA that: "The NZDF has no role or
responsibility relating to reports of UAS/UFO. It is standard practice
that any such reports received by the NZDF are to be referred to the Civil
Aviation Authority. The NZDF neither investigates nor maintains records
relating to UAS/UFO sightings."


As NZ's Defence Force I find this concerning considering that some
UAP/UFO's have the means to sucessfully jam any form of avionics and even
defend themselves with weapons and or maneuvers that are far beyond our
capability. If some are such as this, then we would be prudent to assume
most, if not all are as well.


The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in the United States of
America has recently listed a website dedicated to the reporting of, and
investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena aka. UAP*** (Description


Please provide any and all information, including civilian and military
reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all
information shared between other government agencies and the NZDF,
including correspondence, other than that which was released in 2010 to
the public archives, relating to:


i) Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena in New Zealand airspace, and in the
airspace of our Pacific neighbors prior to 10 September, 2023.

ii) Unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace,and in the airspace of
our Pacific neighbors  prior to 10 September, 2023. (incase part i above
returns a negative result) 


Also if I was to operate an "airborne device" at any altitude; at any time
I desired within NZ airspace; that did not comply with any New Zealand Law
regarding mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external lighting, and
official communication:


i) Would that be classified as something of concern, a hazard or worse?

ii) What is the process for tracking, identification, apprehension and
prevention of further devices being flown such as above?

iv) What is the process further still if I was unable to be identified,
but the non-compliance of NZ law continued unhindered as I pleased?

iii) Is there any part of a process that would lead to a report being made
to another authority in New Zealand or Overseas?

iv) Is there a process where the CAA refers any of the above relevant
information of "my airborne device" to the NZDF due to concern of
non-compliance of mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external
lighting, and official communication? Are these things of concern to the
NZDF or a matter for another authority other than the CAA?


***"Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) means (A) airborne objects that
are not immediately identifiable; (B) transmedium objects or devices; (C)
and submerged objects or devices that are not immediately identifiable and
that display behavior or performance characteristics suggesting that the
objects or devices may be related to the objects or devices described in
subparagraph (A) or (B).


The United States Department of Defense considers Unidentified Anomalous
Phenomena (UAP) as sources of anomalous detections in one or more domain
(i.e., airborne, seaborne, spaceborne, and/or transmedium) that are not
yet attributable to known actors and that demonstrate behaviors that are
not readily understood by sensors or observers.


“Anomalous detections” include but are not limited to phenomena that
demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known
performance envelopes. A UAP may consist of one or more unidentified
anomalous objects and may persist over an extended period of time."


I apologize for anything that may have already been asked via someone
else. From what I have seen coming out of the Congressional Hearings,
interviews with whistle blowers and the AARO, plus historical sightings
alone, let alone people's personal experiences that my or may not have
occured. These things are present in the skies arpund the world and we
can't accept a head-in-the-sand approach or put it in a too hard basket. 


Yours faithfully,


N. S. Hudson




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #24058 email]


Is [6][NZDF request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to New Zealand Defence Force? If so, please contact
us using this form:



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The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for
the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not
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6. mailto:[NZDF request email]

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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8K Download

Attachment OIA 2023 4817 Response signed.pdf
189K Download View as HTML

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Good morning N. S. Hudson,


Please find attached a response to your request for information. Please
note that the New Zealand Defence Force will not comment on hypothetical
situations. Management of New Zealand’s airspace is administered by the
Civil Aviation Authority, and information on drone use is available on
their website ([3]




Corporate and Ministerial Services

OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force





-----Original Message-----
From: N. S. Hudson [mailto:[FOI #24058 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2023 4:30 p.m.
To: Ministerial Services <[NZDF request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - UAP activity in/around NZ


Dear New Zealand Defence Force,


I have read previously on another FOIA that: "The NZDF has no role or
responsibility relating to reports of UAS/UFO. It is standard practice
that any such reports received by the NZDF are to be referred to the Civil
Aviation Authority. The NZDF neither investigates nor maintains records
relating to UAS/UFO sightings."


As NZ's Defence Force I find this concerning considering that some
UAP/UFO's have the means to sucessfully jam any form of avionics and even
defend themselves with weapons and or maneuvers that are far beyond our
capability. If some are such as this, then we would be prudent to assume
most, if not all are as well.


The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in the United States of
America has recently listed a website dedicated to the reporting of, and
investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena aka. UAP*** (Description


Please provide any and all information, including civilian and military
reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all
information shared between other government agencies and the NZDF,
including correspondence, other than that which was released in 2010 to
the public archives, relating to:


i) Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena in New Zealand airspace, and in the
airspace of our Pacific neighbors prior to 10 September, 2023.

ii) Unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace,and in the airspace of
our Pacific neighbors  prior to 10 September, 2023. (incase part i above
returns a negative result) 


Also if I was to operate an "airborne device" at any altitude; at any time
I desired within NZ airspace; that did not comply with any New Zealand Law
regarding mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external lighting, and
official communication:


i) Would that be classified as something of concern, a hazard or worse?

ii) What is the process for tracking, identification, apprehension and
prevention of further devices being flown such as above?

iv) What is the process further still if I was unable to be identified,
but the non-compliance of NZ law continued unhindered as I pleased?

iii) Is there any part of a process that would lead to a report being made
to another authority in New Zealand or Overseas?

iv) Is there a process where the CAA refers any of the above relevant
information of "my airborne device" to the NZDF due to concern of
non-compliance of mounted weapons, radar jamming equipment, external
lighting, and official communication? Are these things of concern to the
NZDF or a matter for another authority other than the CAA?


***"Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) means (A) airborne objects that
are not immediately identifiable; (B) transmedium objects or devices; (C)
and submerged objects or devices that are not immediately identifiable and
that display behavior or performance characteristics suggesting that the
objects or devices may be related to the objects or devices described in
subparagraph (A) or (B).


The United States Department of Defense considers Unidentified Anomalous
Phenomena (UAP) as sources of anomalous detections in one or more domain
(i.e., airborne, seaborne, spaceborne, and/or transmedium) that are not
yet attributable to known actors and that demonstrate behaviors that are
not readily understood by sensors or observers.


“Anomalous detections” include but are not limited to phenomena that
demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known
performance envelopes. A UAP may consist of one or more unidentified
anomalous objects and may persist over an extended period of time."


I apologize for anything that may have already been asked via someone
else. From what I have seen coming out of the Congressional Hearings,
interviews with whistle blowers and the AARO, plus historical sightings
alone, let alone people's personal experiences that my or may not have
occured. These things are present in the skies arpund the world and we
can't accept a head-in-the-sand approach or put it in a too hard basket. 


Yours faithfully,


N. S. Hudson




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #24058 email]


Is [6][NZDF request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to New Zealand Defence Force? If so, please contact
us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA




The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for
the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not
necessarily the official views or opinions of the New Zealand Defence
Force.  If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose,
copy or
distribute this message or the information in it.  If you have received
this message in error, please Email or telephone the sender immediately.


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5. mailto:[FOI #24058 email]
6. mailto:[NZDF request email]

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