Sexual Violence incidents and responses in the last 5 years
Elia Gibbons made this Official Information request to Lincoln University
The request was successful.
From: Elia Gibbons
Tēnā koe,
I am writing to request information on sexual violence definitions, incidents, and responses at Lincoln University over the past five years:
1. Reported Acts of Sexual Violence: We are hoping to understand the number of reported acts of sexual violence that have been brought to the university's attention within the last five years and the number of these that occurred in university premises (including halls of residence) and the number that occurred outside of university premises.
2. University Definition of Sexual Violence: We would also appreciate clarification on whether the university has an established definition for operationalizing sexual violence. If so, could this definition please be provided.
3. University Responses to Sexual Violence: In addition, we seek information on the existing responses that the university has implemented to address and combat sexual violence.
We recognize that sexual violence is a complex issue, and we acknowledge that the number of reported incidents does not reflect the safety of the university environment. Instead, we understand that the focus should be on creating an environment where students feel comfortable and supported in seeking help and assistance from the university. We appreciate your cooperation in providing this information as we believe that understanding and addressing sexual violence will help create a safe and supportive environment.
Ngā mihi,
Elia Gibbons
From: OIA
Lincoln University
Tçnâ koe Elia Gibbons
Attached is the response from Lincoln University to your official
information request of 9 August.
Ngâ mihi
Karen Upton ([1]she/her)
Executive Assistant/Kaiâwhina Matua
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
PO Box 85084, Lincoln University
Lincoln 7647, Christchurch, New Zealand
+64 3 325 3828| +64 21 027 19837
[2][email address]
Lincoln University
Te Whare Wânaka o Aoraki
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