appointments 2023 July

john luke made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has been closed but still under consideration by the Department of Internal Affairs or relevant Minister.

In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been advertised, what method you have used to publicly advertise the position, how many application you have received, how many you have shortlisted and when you expect the appointment will be made.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

Link to this

From: john luke

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

please confirm you have received my OIA request.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

Link to this

From: Sabrina Alhady
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment OIA2324 0018.pdf
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Tçnâ koe John,

Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request OIA2324-0018

Thank you for your request of 10 July 2023, under the Act, to Te Tari
Taiwhenua | The Department of Internal Affairs.

Please find attached Te Tari Taiwhenua’s response to your request.

Ngâ mihi,

Sabrina Alhady ([1]they/them)* | Advisor
Ministerial and Official Correspondence
Toi Hiranga | Regulation & Policy
Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs
45 Pipitea Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011
DDI: 04 494 6063 | Extn: 8490

[2]Website| [3]Facebook | [4]LinkedIn


* If you’re wondering about the use of pronouns they/them on this
signature, you can find more information about how sharing pronouns can
help create a sense of belonging and respect [5]here.


-----Original Message-----

From: john luke <[6][FOI #23454 email]>

Sent: Monday, 10 July 2023 1:23 am

To: OIA <[7][email address]>

Subject: Official Information request - appointments 2023 July


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Dear Department of Internal Affairs,


I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only,
e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has
been closed but still under consideration by the Department of Internal
Affairs or relevant Minister.


In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been
advertised, what method you have used to publicly advertise the position,
how many application you have received, how many you have shortlisted and
when you expect the appointment will be made.


Yours faithfully,


john luke




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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[10][FOI #23454 email]


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