Labour Party's Policies on Health Equity and Climate Change
Dr Marley made this Official Information request to Chris Hipkins
Chris Hipkins did not have the information requested.
From: Dr Marley
Kia ora Chris Hipkins,
I hope this message finds you well. I am Dr. Marley, a practicing medical professional in New Zealand. I am reaching out to you under the Official Information Act 1982.
Given the Labour Party's commitment to equitable health outcomes and climate change mitigation, I am keen to understand more about your specific strategies and actions in these areas. I would appreciate if you could provide the following information:
1) An outline of the Labour Party's current policies specifically aimed at addressing health inequities and mitigating the health impacts of climate change.
2) Key achievements of the Labour Party over the past five years that have contributed towards reducing health inequities and mitigating the health impacts of climate change.
3) A summary of the Labour Party's planned initiatives for the next two years to address health inequities and mitigate the health impacts of climate change.
4) Details of any studies commissioned by the Labour Party in the last three years that specifically relate to health inequities and the health impacts of climate change.
Please note that, as per section 12(1) of the Act, I am a New Zealand citizen/resident and am currently in New Zealand.
I anticipate your response within the 20 working days as outlined by the Act. If you require any clarification regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.,
Dr Marley
From: C Hipkins (MIN)
Chris Hipkins
Kia ora
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister, Chris
Please accept this as acknowledgement that your email has been received by
my office.
If you are writing about an issue relating to COVID-19, mental health,
immigration, housing or benefit assistance, here's a list of links which
you might find helpful:
For information on COVID-19, including the latest updates, go to
For immigration and visa advice
Contact the call centre which is open 6:00am Monday to midnight on
Saturday (NZT).
For urgent housing or benefit enquiries:
∙ Call 0800 559 009 (for under 65)
∙ Call 0800 552 002 (for over 65)
If you need treatment or support for your health or wellbeing. The
following options are available:
Healthline – You can call Healthline for health advice on freephone 0800
611 116 at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Healthline staff
can advise you on the best thing to do in your situation, including which
services are near you and open.
1737 – If you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you can
call or text 1737 for free at any time to talk to a trained counsellor.
Mental health crisis teams – If you are concerned that someone is going to
hurt themselves or someone else, you can all your local mental health
crisis team. A full list of numbers is available here:
For Police assistance in an emergency call 111. For everything else use
You can also make a report online at [4]
We hope that this information is helpful, if not we will try to get back
to you as soon as possible.
Thank you again.
Office of the Prime Minister
Visible links
From: C Hipkins (MIN)
Chris Hipkins
I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request.
Your request will be responded to under the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
Yours sincerely
Dinah Okeby
Office of the Prime Minister
show quoted sections
From: C Hipkins (MIN)
Chris Hipkins
Tēnā koe Dr. Marley,
I am writing to you today in regards to your Official Information Act
request received by the office on May 15, 2023:
1) An outline of the Labour Party's current policies specifically aimed at
addressing health inequities and mitigating the health impacts of climate
2) Key achievements of the Labour Party over the past five years that have
contributed towards reducing health inequities and mitigating the health
impacts of climate change.
3) A summary of the Labour Party's planned initiatives for the next two
years to address health inequities and mitigate the health impacts of
climate change.
4) Details of any studies commissioned by the Labour Party in the last
three years that specifically relate to health inequities and the health
impacts of climate change.
Your request relates to information about the Labour Party and their
policies, which is not considered to be official information as defined
under section 2 of the Official Information Act. Therefore, this Office is
not able to respond to your request under the Official Information Act.
For your awareness, information about Labour Party policies can be found
online here: [1]
Ngā mihi,
Private Secretary (Executive Support)
Office of the Prime Minister
Authorised by Rt. Hon Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
Visible links
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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