Request for draft text of TPP Agreement before it is signed

Marie Denniston made this Official Information request to Minister of Trade

The request was refused by Minister of Trade.

From: Marie Denniston

Dear Minister of Trade,

I am very concerned about the contents of the TPPA. I am worried that it will seriously affect the rights of the citizens of New Zealand.

I hereby request a copy of the draft text of the TPPA, as is my right under the Official Information Act.

I abhor the secrecy which surrounds the negotiations for this Agreement. Surely, if it was in the best interests of New Zealand and its citizens, there would be no need for such secrecy. It is imperative that we see the draft text of the agreement before it is a done deal.

Yours faithfully,

Marie A Denniston (Mrs)

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From: T Groser (MIN)
Minister of Trade

On behalf of Hon Tim Groser, thank you for your email.  Your
correspondence has been noted and will be recorded.


All correspondence, including email,  is routed through our mail tracking
process.  Although e-mail increases the speed of delivery, the
“behind-the-scenes” efforts of the Minister’s staff in responding to
mail cannot always provide the kind of speedy response users of email may


While the Minister considers all correspondence to be important, if it is
obvious that you are writing only to express a personal view your opinion
will be noted but a response beyond this acknowledgement may not be sent.


Thank you again.


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From: T Groser (MIN)
Minister of Trade

Attachment OIA Response TPP.pdf
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Dear Marie Denniston

Please find attached the response from Hon Tim Groser, Minister of Trade, to your OIA request.

Yours sincerely

Bibiana Marsh
Office of Hon Tim Groser
Minister of Trade | Minister for Climate Change Issues
Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand

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