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Moonlighting by employees

CBS Rennie made this Official Information request to Radio New Zealand Limited

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Radio New Zealand Limited should have responded by now (details and exceptions). You can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: CBS Rennie

July 28, 2022

Dear Radio New Zealand Limited,
Please provide me with information held by you about

1.All information from 2018 relating to RNZ giving permission to journalist or presenter employees or contractors to work for other entities, paid or unpaid.
2. Including their employment as interviewers acting for employment panels or similar and the names of such panels and the individuals interviewed.
3. Please also include information you hold about RNZ’s requirements for declaring such matters to RNZ when accepting such jobs.
4. Whether RNZ employees/contractors have declared all such matters.
5. Information you hold relating to the employees/contractors subsequently publicly declaring their interest before interviewing the people previously involved in their outside work, for RNZ.

Yours faithfully,

CBS Rennie

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Things to do with this request

Radio New Zealand Limited only:
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