Information leading to decision to prioritise foreign entertainers into MIQ
David made this Official Information request to Chris Hipkins
The request was refused by Chris Hipkins.
From: David
Dear Chris Hipkins,
I respectfully request copies of all information including emails, SMS/texts, WhatsApp and other messages that you and your office in the capacity of Minister for the COVID-19 Response, have sent and received, from 1 Jan 2021 - 4 Jan 2022, which led you to the decision to prioritise the entry of foreign entertainers into New Zealand over overseas-based New Zealanders.
I'm sure my dying aunty and my very poorly grandfather will be very interested in your response.
Yours faithfully,
David Parkes
From: C Hipkins (MIN)
Chris Hipkins
Thank you for your email.
Please accept this as acknowledgement that your email has been received by
my office.
My office is closed from Thursday 23 December 2021, reopening Monday 10
January 2022, so there may be a delay in responding to your query.
In the meantime, you can find more information below:
General COVID-19 information and testing
All the latest COVID-19 information can be found at [1]
Locations of interest [2]can be found here. You can also call Healthline
free on 0800 611 116 for health advice and information, including where to
get tested.
To get your COVID-19 vaccination head to
[3] or to the [4]Healthpoint website to
find a vaccination site near you.
For help with My Vaccine Pass you can call 0800 222 478 or head to
[5] to get it online.
Managed Isolation
Anyone with queries regarding MIQ should contact +64 4 931 5720 if you’re
overseas (rates will apply) or 0800 476 647 if you’re in New Zealand.
You can also submit an enquiry via the [6]MIQ website.
Anyone with queries about changes to flights should
email [7][email address] with a copy of their original flight
ticket and their voucher, and details of the new flight number. This email
is monitored 24/7.
MIQ will continue to process [8]Emergency Allocation and [9]Exemption
requests throughout the holiday period. If you require an update on an
existing application then you can view the live status of your application
via the MIQ customer portal at any time.
There are still rooms to be released for January, February and March 2022.
Future room releases will be announced on the MIQ website and social media
COVID-19 Protection Framework
If you have questions about the traffic light system, you can [10]make an
enquiry here.
We appreciate your patience.
Thanks again.
Authorised by Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
show quoted sections
From: Josh Hercus
Kia ora David
Please find attached a letter to you from Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister for
COVID-19 Response.
Ngā mihi
Josh Hercus
Private Secretary, Managed Isolation and Quarantine - COVID-19 Response
Office of Hon Chris Hipkins
Minister of Education | Minister for the Public Service | Minister for
COVID-19 Response | Leader of the House
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence