Business Transformation procurement research
Laurence Millar made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department
The request was refused by Inland Revenue Department.
From: Laurence Millar
Dear Inland Revenue Department,
Thank you for your reply to my Official Information Request from the Deputy Commissioner Change, dated 4 November.
I note that IRD undertook "an extensive programme of work" to inform the release of the Expression of Interest for the Provision of Business Transformation Services. I also note that the criteria was approved by the Inland Revenue's Transformation Board on 27 September 2013.
Please provide the following:
1. Copies of all working papers and reports produced during the extensive programme of work;
2. A copy of the paper and supporting material that was considered by Inland Revenue's Transformation Board on 27 September 2013;
3. A copy of all emails, letters and file notes of other communications (both internal to IRD and with external advisors) relating to setting the mandatory criteria:
Led or managed the overall design and implementation of a $100 million (NZD) or greater, excluding any applicable taxes, major transformation programme for a national-level tax organisation (including distributions and payments);
Led or managed the overall design and implementation for delivery of a transformation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Laurence Millar
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Good afternoon Mr Millar,
On behalf of Tony Donoghue, Manager Commissioner's correspondence, please
find attached an acknowledgement of your email of 5 November 2013.
Thank you
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From: Joss Debreceny
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Mr Millar,
On behalf of Ron Grindle, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Change, please find
the response to your OIA request received 9 November 2013 attached.
Joss Debreceny
Transformation Communications Manager
[mobile number]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence