Television New Zealand Limited

A public authority, also called TVNZ

122 requests
Kia ora Sarah   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Script for "They Are Us"
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Victoria Muninn on .
Information not held.
Dear Victoria TVNZ does not hold and has not held a copy of the script. Section 18(e) of the Act therefore applies. You may be confusing us with anot...
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Randy on .
Kia ora Randy   We attach our response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi, Official Information Act Requests e. [1][TVNZ r...
Request all Police Ten 7 and Ten 7 Aotearoa Episodes
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Sami on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi Official Information Act Requests e. [1][TVNZ re...
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Luke Chandler on .
Kia ora Luke   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Request for old TVNZ brand guides
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Alex on .
Information not held.
Dear Alex   We refer to your request below.   Please find TVNZ’s current brand guidelines attached.   We do not retain former guidelines as...
RE: Pedophile coverup
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Mohammed Khan on .
Dear Mr Khan   Please see the attached response to your request.   Kind regards OIA Response Team     From: Mohammed Khan <[FOI #24574...
Dear Maurice   Maiki Sherman has been on parental leave since December 2022.  In any event any communications would have been in her role as Press...
Footage from programmes on TV3 in mid 1990s
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Dael Armstrong-West on .
Information not held.
Dear Dael Armstrong-West   Thank you for your email.   TV3 is and always has been operated by a separate company to TVNZ.  We do not hold any...
Funding for speaking Maori
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Liz Simons on .
Information not held.
Dear Ms Simons TVNZ neither claims nor receives any funding specifically for speaking Māori on air. However there are some programmes which attract...
Does TVNZ have a "Doomsday" clip?
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Craig Major on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Major I refer to your request below. TVNZ has no such clip prepared and in a “doomsday scenario” we would expect to remain broadcasting unt...
Doctors' Letter Concerning COVID-19 Vaccine
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Ross Francis on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Francis I refer to your request below under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) relating to a 1 News story broadcast on 14 May 2021 e...
Christchurch Civic Creche (Peter Ellis) Case
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Ross Francis on .
Information not held.
Dear Ross Unfortunately, due to the age of the information you have requested it is no longer held by TVNZ. Therefore Section 18(e) of the Act applies...
Apprentice NZ: Trump rights and royalties.
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by Eric Crampton on .
Information not held.
Thanks for that. I couldn't tell either; thought I'd ask as you might have checked before buying the rights. Yours sincerely, Eric Crampton
Annual Reports 1980s
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Tom Kennedy on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Kennedy   I refer to your email of 17 September requesting copies of TVNZ’s annual reports between 1980 and 1990.    TVNZ no longer ho...
Dear Alan There are no documents in our possession which refer to decisions about reporting on Julian Assange or information made available through Wi...
COVID-19 advertisment
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to SGN on .
Information not held.
Hi Sam The ad that I think you are referring to is the one showing various empty public spaces around New Zealand and ends with the voiced over line "...
All information pertaining to me
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Elaine Smith on .
Information not held.
Dear Elaine We have completed our search, and confirm that we hold information in your name. In order to comply with your request, we require further...
Dear Mr O’Riley   I refer to your request of 21 October concerning Seven Sharp presenters’ salaries.   This request is refused.    We decl...
Dear Maria Thanks for your request. Unfortunately TVNZ does not hold this information and therefore your request is declined under Section 18(g)(i) o...
Submission to OIA review
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris   Our response to your letter of 30 July is attached.   Yours sincerely     [1]Description: C:\Users\jsavage\AppData\Roam...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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