Parliamentary Counsel Office

An agency or person no longer required to respond to Official Information requests, also called PCO

Note: Parliamentary Counsel Office is not subject to the OIA. This page is maintained to assist in asking questions of it. Please note in your request that you acknowledge they are not subject to the OIA.

Official Information law does not apply to this authority, so you cannot make a request to it.

5 requests
Mandatory Vaccination for Covid19 and variants
Request sent to Parliamentary Counsel Office by darren sharpe on .
Long overdue.
It is noted that elsewhere (by Ministry of Health) in responses to the Freedom of Information requests, the matter relating to mandatory vaccination...
Education (Pastoral Care) Amendment Act 2019
Response by Parliamentary Counsel Office to Elliott Harris on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Elliot I am responding to your Official Information Act request as detailed below. The Parliamentary Counsel Office is not subject to the Offici...
Check out Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations 2013, regulation 4 and 5.
Submission to OIA review
Response by Parliamentary Counsel Office to Alex Harris on .
Long overdue.
Good morning Alex You've reached the right place. The Parliamentary Counsel Office is not subject to the Official Information Act. However, we do rel...
Members' Bills Statistics
Response by Parliamentary Counsel Office to Joshua Grainger on .
You are very welcome! cheers Gillian Grainger <[FYI contact email]> wrote:...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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