Marlborough District Council

A public authority

46 requests
Emails between CEO and Mayor
Response by Marlborough District Council to Alan Riley on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Riley   I refer to your email of 30 January and attach schedule indicating the release of all documents which are also attached though item...
Plans for empty building and costs associated
Response by Marlborough District Council to Paula Hulburt on .
Waiting clarification.
Paula, I refer to my email of 24 October and haven’t received any communication so take it the request has lapsed and I will close my file.    ...
I refer to your email of 10 December and note the questions listed as follows:    1. Why has the Council deemed it necessary to change the trees...
The Office of the Ombudsman received a complaint from you that you had not received any response to OIA12.   I indicated to that Office that a respo...
Council funded amenities
Response by Marlborough District Council to L E Johnston on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Morning Thank you for your email. There are currently no council facilities that unvaccinated people cannot access and that the council has not m...
Dear Mr Hay   Further to my email of 4 October 2019 attached is Council’s policy on trees.   This now completes the request.     Tony Quirk Di...
Harbour Risk Assessment
Response by Marlborough District Council to Brent Yardley on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Yardley   I refer to your email of 18 September which referenced further data you were seeking.   I see the Harbour Master explained t...
Protection Orders on 3 Trees
Follow up sent to Marlborough District Council by Tony Hay on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for the reply. Answer to: Notable Trees TQu I was aware that the Marlborough District Council had identified an English Oak (MDC tree...
Begin forwarded messaGe Mr Hay I have passed on your query to the Reserves section. With covid 19 lockdown the ability to action such queries is r...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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