Search & Rescue New Zealand

An agency or person no longer required to respond to Official Information requests, also called LandSAR

Official Information law does not apply to this authority, so you cannot make a request to it.

3 requests
LandSAR Brand Guidelines
Request to Search & Rescue New Zealand by Tommi Joyce. Annotated by Internal admin user on .
Delivery error
Sorry, we have not found a law which requires this organisation to response to requests for information. As a result we have disabled the sending of re...
Location of rescues
Request sent to Search & Rescue New Zealand by Aleisha Coombes on .
Delivery error
I would like a list of locations of where people have been rescued in New Zealand's backcountry from 2001 to 2021. Yours faithfully, Aleisha Coo...
I would like copies of all emails, reports and meeting minutes made by the staff of landsar, the board of landsar and any contractors working for lan...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?