Grant Robertson
An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office
Portfolios and other responsibilities:
- Minister of Finance;
- Minister for Sport and Recreation;
- Minister for Cyclone Recovery;
- Leader of the House.
This person has multiple portfolios. If possible it is recommended to specify in your request which portfolio(s) your request relates to.
Portfolios and responsibilities previously held:
- Minister for Infrastructure;
- Deputy Prime Minister;
- Minister for Racing;
- Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission;
- Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage.
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
45 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Minister for S...
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Ministe...
Total dollar amount unaccounted for per year since last election
Response by Grant Robertson to Michael Bryant on .
Awaiting classification.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Ministe...
Working families & small/med business. Reports analysing inflationary drivers, forecasts & ongoing analyses
Response by Grant Robertson to J Bruning on .
Long overdue.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Minister for...
Knowledge of potential criminal activity by government employees
Response by Grant Robertson to Canterbury Victim on .
Awaiting classification.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Ministe...
Cooking The Books
Response by Grant Robertson to Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Deputy Prime Minister | Minister of...
Dear George Morrison
On behalf of the Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, I acknowledge receipt of your letter of 30 November 2021 requesting:...
correspondence with New Zealand-based Australian Progress fellows
Response by Grant Robertson to Victoria Muninn on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Victoria
On behalf of Hon Grant Robertson, thank you for your Official Information Act request received 23 September 2021 seeking all corresponde...
all correspondence with John Podesta pertaining to the defunct Centre for New Zealand Progress, Australian Progress, and the OPEN network
Response by Grant Robertson to Victoria Muninn on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Victoria
Please find attached a letter from Hon Grant Robertson regarding your
request for information.
Kind regards
Bradley Ma...
Cost of Subsurface Rights for Auckland City Rail Link
Response by Grant Robertson to Matthew Hooton on .
Long overdue.
Dear Matthew
Thank you for your email of 31 May 2021 to Hon Grant Robertson, Minister
of Finance, in which you submitted an Official Information...
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Katy Greco-Ainslie | Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Member of Parli...
Kia ora Mr Goodin
Please find attached the NZ Police response to your Official Information
Act request.
Kind regards
Ministerial Services
Semi automatic buy back details
Response by Grant Robertson to Mr Goodin on .
Awaiting classification.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Katy Greco-Ainslie | Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Member of Parli...
Minister and former Ministers of Finance and the sale of Crown Owned Entity FairWay Resolution Limited into private ownership.
Response by Grant Robertson to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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