1111111111126 July 2018 11 :55 AM
For your info - from July 2015
1 From: Natex
Sent: Friday, 10 July 2015 12:54 p.m.
Subject: Thompson+Clark SITREP: Animal Rights: 08 July 2015
Good afternoon-
I have been asked by one of our Directors,
in his absence to send you a copy of our latest situation
reports (sitrep) which I enclose below and which we published to selected industry clients each week to update them
on trends and developments that might impact on their business.
-has also asked rne to add you to theweekly distributionHst for this publication as acomplimentary gesture to
allow youto gain�omefeel for its relevance t6 the security of your operations. The weekly sitrep is one part of our
daily Risk Management Package (RMP) that we offer to our clients, and which includes in addition to the weekly
situation report a daily monitoring service of relevant social media and open sources. We provide also in the service
an urgent email notification of anything of direct relevance or concern to their operations and security.
However -can explain the benefits in more detail and will follow this email up later this month when he returns
from leave with a personal call to discuss this further and can answer any questions you may have meantime via email.
I hope you find the publication of interest. You should now receive this each week as a complimentary gesture until
further notice.
Kind regards and thank you for your time.
--+64 302 0113Box 301775, .c.lbany, r,JsMC 0752, New Zealand
Copyright TCIL 2015
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