New Zealand Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Manatū Aorere
195 Lambton Quay
17 March 2025
Private Bag 18−901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
T +64 4 439 8000
F +64 4 472 9596
[FYI request #29752 email]
OIA 29893
Tēnā koe Tyler
Thank you for your email of 15 January 2025 in which you request the following under
the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
‘Copy of formal diplomatic or other statements or notes, which relate to New
Zealand's recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations, that were
exchanged between the government of New Zealand and:
- Montenegro (around 2006)
- Kosovo (around 2008)
- South Sudan (around 2011)’
On 13 February 2025, the timeframes for responding to your request were extended by
an additional 25 working days because responding to your request necessitated the
review of a large quantity of information (section 15A(1)(a) of the OIA refers).
Please note that New Zealand has a long-standing policy of not making formal
declarations of recognition but rather implying recognition through the scope and nature
of our actions.
The establishment of diplomatic relations is a matter of concurrence between two
States. New Zealand adopts a pragmatic approach to defining diplomatic
relations. Contacts over time with another state at ministerial, diplomatic, or senior
officials’ level are considered to constitute the conduct of diplomatic relations. These
may occur in the context of bilateral meetings, or through multilateral diplomacy - for
example, at the United Nations.
Diplomatic relations may be taken a step further with a decision by each State to
formally accredit a diplomatic representative to the other. Once agreement has been
reached to take this step, the Foreign Ministers of both countries may make a public
announcement. A list of New Zealand embassies overseas, and foreign diplomatic
representatives accredited to New Zealand, is publicly available and can be found at:
https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/embassies. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (the Ministry) has identified several documents
in scope of your request, please find these attached.
One further document, regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations with Kosovo
is publicly available. This information can be accessed at the following link:
Page 2 of 2
Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to official
information requests where possible. Therefore, our response to your request (with your
personal information removed) may be published on the Ministry website:
www.mfat.govt.nz/en/about-us/contact-us/official-information-act-responses/ If you have any questions about this decision, you can contact us by email at:
[email address]. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the
Ombudsman of this decision by contacting
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa, nā
Sarah Corbett
for Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade