24 March 2025
Matthew Clark
By email:
[FYI request #29598 email]
Tēnā koe Mr Clark
Information request
Our ref:
Thank you for your email
27 February 2025 requesting:
“1. The Chief executives of statutory Crown entities regularly disclose their
expenses to provide transparency and accountability for their discretionary
expenditure. Please advise how this disclosure is conducted at the HDC.
2. Please provide a copy of the HDC's policy on staff expenses.
3. I note that there are some large amounts being spent on " Food and
Beverage". The vendor details being omitted from the information. HDC’s
expenses should be modest as they have an obligation to use public resources
prudently. Please split each transaction precisely on the amount spent on
alcohol and the amount spent on food.
4. Please explain further as to how the HDC’s Corporate Services Manager
closely monitors and reviews staff compliance. Please explain what method is
used that the funds have been wisely spent”
We have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982.
Question 1
HDC complies with the Public Service Commission's disclosure requirements and
publishes the chief executive expenditure annually on the HDC’s website. The
disclosure for the 2023-2024 year can be found here: https://www.hdc.org.nz/about-
Question 2
See HDC’s Sensitive Expenditure Policy,
Question 3
HDC funds were not used to purchase any alcohol in in any circumstances.
Question 4
Please refer to the ‘Monitoring and reporting’ section in the enclosed Sensitive
Expenditure Policy.
Auckland Office: P O Box 1791 Auckland 1140; Wel ington Office: PO Box 11934, Wel ington 6142
Freephone: 0800 11 22 33; Email: [email address]; Website: www.hdc.org.nz

You may seek a review of this decision from the Office of the Ombudsman.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Jane King
Associate Commissioner Legal
Sensitive Expenditure Policy