13 February 2025
File Ref: IRC-7713
[FYI request #29580 email]
Tēnā koe Mark
Thank you for your request of 20 December 2024 which was partial y transferred to Te Kaunihera o
Pōneke | Wel ington City Council (the Council) from Waka Kotahi | NZ Transport
. Your request has
been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).
You originally requested:
I would like to enquire on the fol owing (in greater wel ington):
what the length of roads are
what is the length of dedicated Cycle ways, what is length or shared Cycle ways what is the
Length of pedestrian walkways
On 15 and 27 January we contacted you to request a clarification of your request for of icial
information, however we did not receive a response from you.
On 30 January we let you know that with the way your request was worded, we were unsure what
information in you were seeking and that your request as framed lacked ‘due particularity’ as required
by section 10(2) of the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).
On the same day you let us know that you would like to continue with your request as it was written
and asked for the following updated information. Please find my corresponding answer to each
length of roads in wel ington
The total length of roads in Wellington that are maintained by the Wellington City Council is 700.6 km.
length of walkways/pavements in wellington
The total length of pathways
in Wel ington that are maintained by the Wel ington City Council are:
˗ Roadside Footpaths: 906.1km
˗ Pedestrian Mal s: 0.5km
˗ Access paths: 76.9km (off road connections from one road to another).
length of shared cycle/walkways
length of dedicated cycleways
The total length of cycleways
in Wel ington that are maintained by the Wel ington City Council are:
˗ Cycle Lane 28.6km
˗ Cycle Path 11.9km
˗ Shared Paths 16km
Please see the below table for information regarding cycle lane definitions.
Cycle Path/Lane Classification
Cycle Type Description
‘Cycle path’ is a path that is physically
Cycle Path
separated from the roadway that is
principally designed for, and used by,
‘Shared path’ is a path that is physically
separated from the roadway that is intended
Shared Path
for the passage of pedestrians, cyclists,
riders of mobility devices, and riders of
wheeled recreation devices.
‘Cycle lane’ is a longitudinal strip within a
Cycle Lane
roadway designed for the passage of
cyclists. Marked with paint is minimum level
of service.
number of cyclists using cycleways
Approximately 4% of Wellingtonians commute by bicycle. This means about 16,740 Wel ingtonians
use cycling infrastructure daily, however there are also numerous Wel ingtonians who commute daily
from adjacent councils. The business case for Te Ara Tupua found on the NZ Transport Agency (Waka
Kotahi) websit
e here, expects to see an additional 2100 daily trips to and from the Hutt Valley once
completed in 2026.
The Council uses multiple sources to derive the city-wide proportion of Wel ingtonians who cycle and
specifical y commute by bicycle. The latest analysed data was collected in t
he 2021 Cordon Survey,
2023 Census and the three rounds of
Pōneke travel survey in 2023.
You may also be interested in information regarding automatic counters fou
nd here. This includes
information of the locations of counters and monthly counts from 2018 through to June 2024.
number of licenced vehicles in wellington
You were notified by Waka Kotahi on 20 December 2024 that this question wil be responded to by
their agency. Please contact Waka Kotahi for more information. They can be contacted at
[NZTA request email].
Wel ington City Council | 2 of 3
If you require further information, please contact
[email address].
Nāku noa, nā
Laura McIlhone
Official Information & Privacy
Wel ington City Council
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