This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'All meetings involving the PM between 1 March and 19 March 2020'.

Appendix A
Amanda Boyd on behalf of Malcolm Alexander
PM Invites
J Ardern (MIN); "Fiona Illingsworth [DPMC]"; Amanda Boyd; Megan Crum
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 4:52:26 pm
Dear Prime Minister
I am writing with regret to let you know that the 2020 LGNZ Conference, which I was so excited
to have you speak at, has been postponed. Our board, the National Council, made this necessary
and prudent decision due to the growing uncertainty associated with COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
The decision has not been made lightly, given the incredible amount of work that has gone into
the organisation of what was shaping up to be an outstanding conference. However, LGNZ needs
to act wisely and ensure the health and well-being of our members and stakeholders so that they
can continue serving their communities and maintain social distancing.
The National Council decided to make this decision as early as possible to maximise the
opportunity for delegates to alter their travel and accommodation arrangements. All existing
registrations and associated bookings will be transferred to the new dates in July 2021 and the
team at Conference Innovators will be able to assist with any queries.
We have been able to reschedule the conference to Thursday 15 to Saturday 17 July 2021 at the
same venues in Blenheim and we will be updating the LGNZ Conference website regularly. We hope to retain the programme as it stands and will be in
touch to confirm your availability for this new date.
I wish to personally acknowledge the enormous work and success of the very committed team
who have been planning for this event. Of course, like me, you will be disappointed not to have
the conference run in 2020 as planned. Postponement  given the unusual times we are in, is the
right thing to do.
I look forward to discussing with you further about what will now be known as the 2021 LGNZ
Conference and how you may contribute. In the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions.
Yours sincerely,
Malcolm Alexander
Chief Executive
Local Government New Zealand
DDI 04 924 1201 M 021 737 681
E [email address]
under the Official Information Act 1982
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This information is confidential, is intended for the addressee only and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, please do not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If you have received it in error, please destroy it and contact the
sender. Any view expressed is not necessarily the view of Local Government New Zealand.

Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern
"[email address]"
FW: Letter for PM - COVID-19
Thursday, 26 March 2020 2:55:00 pm
19 March 2020 PM Letter - COVID-19.pdf
Dear Simon Wallace, John Collyns and Kirk Hope
I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to thank you for your recent letter
calling for the Government to take action to protect older New Zealanders who are most at risk from
You will be aware that since you wrote, the Prime Minister has announced a range of measures to
slow the spread of COVID-19 and that today the country has gone to Level 4 of New Zealand’s four-
level COVID-19 alert system.
The Government is focussed on protecting New Zealanders and eradicating COVID-19, and this level is
likely to stay for some weeks.
Further information is available on
Thank you for writing and best wishes
Office of the Prime Minister
Authorised by Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington 6012
From: Rebecca Chapman [mailto:[email address]] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2020 5:18 PM
To: 9(2)(a)>
Cc: Simon Wallace <[email address]>; [email address]; Andrea Tonner
<[email address]>
Subject: Letter for PM - COVID-19
Good afternoon 9(2)(a)
Please find attached letter for Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern from NZACA CE Simon Wallace.
Kind regards,
Rebecca Chapman
Business Support Coordinator 
New Zealand Aged Care Association | p 04 473 3159 | f 04 473 3554
Level 11 Petherick Tower, 38-42 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
PO Box 12481, Welling on 6144
under the Official Information Act 1982

under the Official Information Act 1982

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