15 January 2025
[FYI request #29236 email]
Tēnā koe Alex
Request for information
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 18 November 2024. You
I would like to know which specific information held about individuals by the New
Zealand police has been shared with Research NZ, i.e. first name, last name,
cellphone, etc. I would like to know whether this complies with the information
stated here:
I would like copies of the agreement between the NZ Police and Research NZ
detailing how this information is stored and secured by research NZ and the
requirements they have agreed to relating to this information.
I would also like to understand whether the information given by NZ Police to
Research NZ is included in personal information requests by individuals to the NZ
Police and if corrections to this information are forwarded to and corrected by
Research NZ.
New Zealand Police (Police) contracted Rangahau Aotearoa | Research New Zealand as
a third-party agency to undertake a customer experience research programme. The main
component of the programme is a survey named
Our Service, Your Say | Ō Whakaaro, Ā
Mātou Mahi (or OSYS for short).
OSYS survey participants are sourced from one of two places: Police and Dynata (a
panel provider). For the Police sample, Police securely provides Rangahau Aotearoa |
Research New Zealand with monthly samples of information of selected people who have
phoned the 105 service or reported an incident or crime to 105 online in the previous
For the purposes of the OSYS survey Police does not share with Rangahau Aotearoa |
Research New Zealand any personal information about any person aged under 16 years
or any person who has been involved in certain types of incidents (including homicide,
aggravated robbery, sexual assault, domestic violence, suicide, child abuse and other
offence types).
The individual level information Police shares with Rangahau Aotearoa | Research New
Zealand for the purpose of the OSYS survey for the monthly 105 call samples is limited
to: • first and family name
preferred email address
preferred telephone number
District within which the incident/occurrence took place
station boundary within which the incident/occurrence took place
SR.CRIS# (service request number and database used)
acceptance date
And the equivalent information Police shares for the monthly 105 online samples is
limited to:
first and family name
email address
telephone number
District within which the incident/occurrence took place
station boundary within which the incident/occurrence took place
case ID
case creation date
preferred contact method.
The privacy practices for the OSYS survey comply with information on the Police website
Al aspects of the OSYS survey are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the
Privacy Act 2020 with respect to confidentiality, and methods of obtaining, storing, and
destroying information.
The Consultancy Services Order (CSO) between Police and Research NZ provides for
the secure protection and destruction of information related to the OSYS survey.
Clause 10 Confidentiality of Part F of the Terms of the CSO covers how personal
information wil be kept confidential. Please refer to the appendix for the full text of Clause
10, in accordance with section 16(1)(e) of the OIA.
Other relevant extracts from the CSO are set out below:
Research NZ wil ensure on an annual basis that an independent data
security compliance and assurance review and written confirmation to
NZISM standard wil be provided to Police on the contract anniversary each
Research NZ wil not electronical y store any Police research data offshore
unless this has been prior agreed with Police and confirmed by Police in
Research NZ wil only permit those personnel who have been vetted and
approved by Police in accordance with the Police security checking system
to be involved in any way dealing with the Services.
In addition to Part F clause 14.2 c any Police Documentation or Data files
returned to Police must be in a readable and usable format. Any copies of
Documentation or Data Files retained by Research NZ wil then be destroyed
and confirmed to Police.
I also attach a Privacy Impact Assessment undertaken by Rangahau Aotearoa | Research
New Zealand specifical y for the OSYS survey.
The monthly sample sets that Police shares with Rangahau Aotearoa | Research New
Zealand for the purposes of the OSYS survey are used once by Rangahau Aotearoa |
Research New Zealand. Rangahau Aotearoa | Research New Zealand deletes these
sample sets after six months.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this
decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Nāku noa, nā
Susan Campbel
Principal Advisor Service Strategy
New Zealand Police
link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 5
Appendix: Clause 10 Confidentiality of Part F of the Terms of the CSO
Protection of Confidential Information
(a) Subject to clauses
10.1(c) and 10.2, the Provider and the Participating
Agency wil treat as confidential and not disclose to any third party nor
use for its own benefit any Confidential Information that is the Confidential
Information of the other.
(b) The Provider wil :
ensure that al Confidential Information of the Participating Agency
(and any backup archives containing such Confidential Information)
in the possession or control of the Provider from time to time is
kept secure and managed and protected and only disclosed or
otherwise dealt with in accordance with this Consultancy Services
not use any Agency Information for its own purposes or for any
purposes different from those contemplated by this Consultancy
Services Order; and
(iii) advise the CoE in writing if any Confidential Information of the
Participating Agency wil be transferred or stored outside New
Zealand before such information is transferred and wil confirm that
the requirements of this claus
e 10.1 wil be met while such
Confidential Information is stored outside New Zealand.
10.1(a) does not prevent the disclosure of Confidential
if that information was known, or becomes known, to the public
through no act or default of the recipient;
that the recipient is required by Law or parliamentary practice
(including parliamentary questions) to disclose, or to a Select
Committee or to a Minister of the Crown, so long as the recipient
provides notice of the required disclosure promptly upon receipt of
notice of the required disclosure (if it is permitted to do so by Law);
(iii) that was lawful y known to the recipient prior to the date it was
(iv) that becomes available to the recipient from a source other than a
party to this Consultancy Services Order, provided that the
recipient has no reason to believe such source is itself bound by an
obligation of confidence to the person that disclosed that
information or is otherwise prohibited under Law from disclosing
such information;
to any Professional Adviser for the purposes of rendering
professional services to a party in relation to this Consultancy
Services Order;
(vi) to the extent that such disclosure is authorised by this Consultancy
Services Order; or
(vii) if such disclosure is approved for release with the consent of the
party from whom the Confidential Information is first received.
Limited disclosure
(a) The Provider may, subject to clause
10.2(d), disclose the Confidential
Information of the Participating Agency to its Subcontractors, Personnel,
Related Entities and Professional Advisers who need to know the same
link to page 4 link to page 5 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 5
for the sole purpose of enabling the Provider to perform its obligations
and exercise its rights under this Consultancy Services Order.
The Participating Agency may, subject to claus
e 10.2(d), disclose the
Confidential Information of the Provider to its third party suppliers,
Personnel and Professional Advisers and any other Participating
Agencies (including the CoE) who need to know the same in connection
with the Services.
The Provider wil not disclose the Participating Agency’s Confidential
Information to any of its Subcontractors, Related Entities or Professional
Advisers, and the Participating Agency wil not disclose the Provider’s
Confidential Information to any of its third party suppliers or Professional
Advisers, unless the recipient has given a written confidentiality
undertaking to the disclosing party in terms substantial y similar to those
set out in this claus
e 10.
Any undertaking given pursuant to claus
e 10.2(c) wil be provided to the
other party to this Consultancy Services Order on request.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Susan Campbell and Judy Paulin, Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa/New Zealand Police
Emanuel Kalafatelis, Melissa Lotter and Katrina Magill
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Our Service, Your Say (OSYS) (#5278)
Project summary
Rangahau Aotearoa (Research New Zealand) is responsible for Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s
Customer Experience Research Programme via the Our Service, Your Say survey (OSYS).
The purpose of this research is to:
1. Measure New Zealanders’ satisfaction with the contact and interaction they have had with
Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa (for KPI reporting).
2. Identify areas for potential service improvement.
The research involves the completion of online questionnaires and telephone (CATI) interviews
with approx. n=8,000 New Zealanders who have had recent contact with Ngā Pirihimana o
Aotearoa (i.e. in the last 6 months). Māori, Pasifika, people aged 16-24 and those living in Tāmaki
Makaurau are over-sampled.
Respondents are currently sampled from two sources:
1. Directly via 105 (phone and online reporting)
2. Indirectly via our online provider (Dynata).
All survey respondents participate on a voluntary, confidential basis. The core set of questionnaires
are based on the Common Measurements Tool and includes a specifically designed module of
questions for Māori respondents, as well as a module containing hate crime questions.
Reporting is in multiple forms:
1. An online e-reporting tool.
2. A publicly available annual report (on Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s website).
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Scope of this Privacy Impact Assessment
This PIA covers the following processes:
1. Obtaining samples of potential respondents.
2. Recruiting respondents based on the survey eligibility criteria.
3. Completing confidential survey about the contact with Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa.
4. Processing and reporting the survey results back to Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa.
5. Saving and storing the survey information.
6. System-level reporting.
These processes require the use of the following systems and tools:
• Microsoft Teams (used to receive 105 samples from Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa).
• Voxco (survey tool).
• MS SQL server.
• Bespoke online e-reporting tool.
Information security management strategy
Rangahau Aotearoa has an
information security management strategy which sets out the high-
level context for managing information resources required for the purposes of conducting research
projects. This is built on the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, the government’s New Zealand
Information Security Manual (v 3.6), the European Union’s General Data Protection Guidelines and
our Code of Practice (i.e., the Code of the European Society for Marketing & Opinion Research).
At the heart of this strategy are
four principles that underpin how information resources are to be
Information is an asset – information should be treated as an asset, managed, and used to
realise its full potential for Rangahau Aotearoa’s clients.
Information provides insight – information supports the work that Rangahau Aotearoa
completes on behalf of its clients.
Information is well-managed – information should be kept secure, managed efficiently and
effectively, as well as ethically at all times.
Information is protected – information should be utilised unless there are grounds for
refusal, such as for confidential and/or personal reasons.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
These principles are built into our functional/operational practices, and it is important that
everyone (Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa and Rangahau Aotearoa) is aware of their responsibilities
with respect to managing information appropriately. These practices cover:
• How we obtain personal information (Data transfer).
• How we handle this information (Access management).
• Survey implementation and support.
• Confidentiality (Depersonalisation).
• Our approach to analysis and reporting, including the online e-reporting tool.
• Our approach to counter security attacks (Penetration testing).
• Physical security.
• Data storage, recovery, and restoration.
Data transfer
As noted, potential respondents for OSYS are sourced via Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s 105 (online
and telephone) and our panel provider (70% and 30% respectively).
There is no transfer of personal information about potential respondents sourced via our panel
provider. In the case of personal information about potential respondents sourced via Ngā
Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s 105 (see Table 1, 1 for details), a monthly sample is received via Ngā
Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s SFTP server, minus exclusions. The exclusions include anyone under 16
years of age, Police staff and anyone whose contact with Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa was related to
a serious matter or one that might put the respondent at risk of harm (refer to Appendix A).
Access management
On receipt of the 105 monthly samples from Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa, they are saved in a
specific project folder, with access to this folder restricted to those staff directly working on the
project. This is actively monitored by our IT Manager.
In preparation for contacting potential respondents, the samples are ‘cleaned’, which in addition to
re-formatting, involves checking for incomplete contact details and excluding anyone who has
already been sampled within the previous six months or who has contacted us to request that they
not be approached for any future research.
At the same time in the monthly cycle, potential respondents are then contacted, introduced to
the survey and their eligibility to complete it established. As part of this step, potential
respondents are told that the survey is voluntary, confidential and they will not be directly or
indirectly identifiable in the results.
Please note that our sample and data security practices meet and exceed the requirements of the
government’s New Zealand Security Manual (v 3.6).
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Survey implementation
All eligible respondents sampled via our panel provider complete the survey online. Eligible
respondents sampled via Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s 105, are given the option of completing the
survey online or by telephone. The survey is available in te reo Māori, Samoan, Tongan and
simplified Chinese.
Please note that our online survey platform (Voxco) is SSL and SOC2 certified. It also has the
features expected of a modern survey platform in terms of accessibility, in that it already meets
WCAG 2.1 AA and is expected to meet WCAG 2.2 AA when this is available later this year.
Our survey platform is a fully supported system with assistance provided within a same-day
timeframe. Our purpose-built, CATI-enabled Call Centre telephone (which is also based on the
Voxco survey platform) operates in conformance with ISO 20252. All telephone interviews are
audio recorded (with respondents’ consent) and our Call Centre Manager and her Supervisors
complete quality assurance checks with a random selection of every interviewer’s successful and
unsuccessful interviews (5 per month for each interviewer).
As noted above, all respondents participate in the survey on a voluntary, confidential basis,
meaning that at no time does Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa know which individuals have participated
in the survey and which have not.
With respect to the sample sourced via Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s 105, any personally
identifiable information is removed as part of the processing process post-interviewing. This
includes information in any verbatim comments such as names, places, events, and reference to
time. This also applies to the sample sourced via our panel provider.
Analysis and reporting
All analysis and all reporting is completed on an aggregated basis; meaning that no individual
respondent is either directly or indirectly identifiable in any reporting.
Online e-reporting tool
A bespoke online e-reporting tool has been built for the purposes of sharing the survey results
with Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa.
This online e-reporting tool was built in-house and is on an SSL-enabled website with 256-bit
encryption. This means that it is only accessible via a username and password, set to the minimum
NZISM requirements.
Susan Campbell, Principal Advisor Service Strategy, Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa, is primarily
responsible for authorising and removing Police users with access to the e-reporting tool, which is
hosted on Rangahau Aotearoa’s digital platform. Vicky Jamieson, National Channel Lead - Front
Counter, will assume responsibility for this in Susan’s absence.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Access to the e-reporting tool by authorised Police users is by logins (using their QID) and
passwords (randomly generated weekly by Rangahau Aotearoa and the same for everyone).
Susan (supported by Vicky) maintains a file containing a list of QIDs that are sent to Rangahau
Aotearoa of those Police people she authorises access to the survey results through the e-
reporting tool.
Rangahau Aotearoa completes the following steps
each week:
• Step 1: Randomly generates one password for all Police users.
• Step 2: Uploads the file of QID and sends an email to all Police users letting them know the
Susan (supported by Vicky) reviews the file of QIDs on the first working day of each month and
emails a revised file (with those of new Police people, etc.) to Rangahau Aotearoa.
Police users who move roles within Police are able to continue to access the survey results through
the e-reporting tool. Those who resign (and whose QIDs are cancelled) are not able to access the
e-reporting tool once the password changes.
Our Service, Your Say survey results are only accessible to authorised Police users in aggregate
form (in line with undertakings of confidentiality with survey participants). Survey results are
shown in the tool for sub-samples comprising 10 survey participants or fewer, and all personally
identifiable information is deleted from verbatims before they are made accessible through the e-
reporting tool.
Penetration testing
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand conducts scheduled penetration testing on an annual
basis. This is completed by an independent third party (viz. Aura). Testing is scheduled for
November each year.
Physical security
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand is in downtown Wellington CBD (Level 6, 22 Panama
Street), in fully secure offices.
Data storage
All project-related files are saved and stored in the cloud, in a depersonalised format, with our
government-approved local cloud provider, CCL. All data is stored onshore.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Privacy assessment
The following table provides a privacy assessment for Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s OSYS, against
the 13 privacy principles (as per the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner).
Table 1: Privacy assessment
Summary of personal information
involved, use and process to
Description of privacy principle
Assessment of compliance
Principle 1 – Purpose of the
Limited personal ‘primary’
Compliance met.
collection of personal
information is provided by Ngā
Pirihimana o Aotearoa for the
purposes of contacting potential 105
Be focused – only collect
respondents and/or analysing and/or
personal information if you
reporting their survey results.
really need it.
• Their first and family name.
• Their email address and
telephone contact number.
• The Police District in which the
most recent incident reported,
took place.
This information is saved in the
project-specific folder for OSYS;
access to which is restricted and
actively monitored by our IT
As noted, no personal information is
provided for our panel provider-
sourced sample. However, survey
questions are asked to establish all
respondents’ gender, age and
ethnicity (personal ‘secondary’
information). They are also asked
about the purpose of their contact
with Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa.
Any personal ‘primary’ or ‘secondary’
information, which is capable of
directly identifying a respondent (e.g.
name, phone number, etc is limited
in its use and removed/separated
from the survey results after
collection (see below, Principle 4).
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Principle 2 – Source of personal
Refer above.
Compliance met.
To ensure respondents are
Be direct – get it directly from
comfortable providing personal
the people concerned wherever
information, as part of the
recruitment process, they are told
that the survey is voluntary (as are
providing answers to the survey
During the interview, they can
withdraw at any time. Post-
interviewing, they can ask for a
transcript of their interview and/or
their interview to be deleted.
On multiple occasions, they are told
that their responses are confidential
to Rangahau Aotearoa and that all
reporting to Ngā Pirihimana o
Aotearoa is on an anonymous basis
as required by our Code of Practice,
Privacy Act 202, etc.
Principle 3 – Collection of
Refer above.
Compliance met.
information from the individual.
Email invitations to complete the
Be open – tell people what
survey explain the purpose of the
information you are collecting,
survey, that participation is
what you’re going to do with it,
voluntary, respondents remain
whether it’s voluntary, and the
anonymous and that reporting is in
consequences if they don’t
an aggregated, summary form.
provide it.
The same information is available to
respondents interviewed by
telephone and is provided by our
interviewers on request.
Principle 4 – Manner of collection
The survey is implemented (online or
Compliance met.
of personal information.
by telephone) via Rangahau
Aotearoa New Zealand’s secure
Be considerate, be fair and don’t
online survey panel.
be overly intrusive in how you
collect the information.
As soon as completed surveys are
processed, any personally
identifiable primary information
(name and contact details) is
removed/separated from the survey
This includes verbatim comments
provided to any free text, open-
ended questions.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Principle 5 – Storage and security
The monthly Ngā Pirihimana o
Compliance met.
of personal information.
Aotearoa-sourced 105 samples
containing personal information are
Take care of it once you’ve got it
stored on Rangahau Aotearoa
and protect it against loss,
Research New Zealand’s Voxco
unauthorised access, use,
survey platform.
modification or disclosure and
other misuse.
Following the completion of each
month’s surveying, the survey data is
extracted, depersonalised (see
above, Principle 4), checked for
outliers, coded, weighted and
uploaded to the online e-reporting
In addition to the above, our Data
Security Policies and Practices detail
a number of safeguards to ensure
information is well managed. These
how files containing personal
identifiable information are
access control
data storage and protection
device and physical security
recovery and restoration.
Principle 6 – Access to personal
Under Rangahau Aotearoa Research
Compliance met.
New Zealand’s Code of Practice,
respondents may request to see their
Keep people informed – tell
survey responses after it has been
them what personal information
captured/submitted. If such a
you hold.
request is made, they are provided a
hard/soft copy of the survey
questionnaire showing their
Principle 7 – Correction of
Also, in accordance with the Code,
Compliance met.
personal information.
respondents may also change their
response to a question(s) after it has
Make it right – let them correct it been captured/submitted.
if you have got it wrong.
On request, they are provided the
OSYS project manager’s name and
contact details for this and other
purposes (e.g. if they are having
technical difficulties).
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Principle 8 – Accuracy of personal
There is an expectation that the
Compliance met.
information is to be checked
personal information provided by
before use.
respondents at the time of
recruitment (e.g. about their
Keep on the mark – ensure its
eligibility to complete the survey)
correct and relevant before you
and during their interview (e.g. age,
use it.
gender, ethnicity) is correct. This is
also the case with the information
provided by Ngā Pirihimana o
Aotearoa with respect to the 105
Respondents’ answers to the
questions in the survey are also
taken at face value and assumed to
be correct, subject to the removal of
Principle 9 – Not to keep personal As noted above (see above, Principle
Compliance met.
information for longer than
4), completed surveys are checked
post-interviewing before any
personally identifiable primary
Don’t be a hoarder – get rid of it
information is removed/separated
if you don’t need it anymore.
from the survey results. This process
is completed within one week of the
interviewing having been completed.
This means that when this
information has been removed, each
interview is completely anonymous.
Principle 10 – Limits on use of
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New
Compliance met.
personal information.
Zealand confirms that the personal
information that is provided by Ngā
Stick to the plan – only use it for
Pirihimana o Aotearoa and/or
the purpose you initially
collected during the interviewing is
collected it for.
only used for the purposes intended
Project Summary at the
beginning of this paper).
Principle 11 – Limits on disclosure Not applicable. i.e., Rangahau
Not applicable.
of personal information.
Aotearoa will never disclosed
personal information obtained of
Keep the control – only share
people in 105 samples, or through
information if that’s why you got
the survey itself.
Principle 12 – External disclosure.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Only disclose personal
information outside NZ if the
receiving organisation has
comparable privacy safeguards
to NZ.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Principle 13 – Unique identifiers.
Rangahau Aotearoa assigns unique
Compliance met.
identifiers to each respondent as
Be unique – don’t use other
they onboard OSYS.
agencies’ personal identifiers.
These are primarily used for project
management purposes (e.g., to track
the response to the survey).
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Risk assessment
The following table provides a risk assessment for OSYS.
Table 2: Risk assessment
Use of Ngā Pirihimana o
Limited contact information is provided
Aotearoa-sourced 105
by Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa and this is
sample information.
only used to recruit potential
respondents and/or analysing and/or
reporting their survey results. Access to
this information is restricted and
primary information (name and contact
details) is deleted/separated from the
survey results post-interviewing, before
the survey results are analysed and
Capture of personal
Aside from high-level demographic
information as part of the
information and information about the
reason for contact with Ngā Pirihimana o
Aotearoa, no other information which
may be categorised as personal
‘primary’ information’ is collected.
As noted, survey results are
depersonalised as soon as practically
possible, by removing/separating the
personal ‘primary’ information.
Access protocols for
These protocols need to be established
Rangahau Aotearoa
in order to set out the terms and
Research New Zealand
conditions for the use of this
users that have access to
the Ngā Pirihimana o
samples and survey data
in general.
Access protocols for Ngā
Access to the e-reporting tool by Ngā
Pirihimana o Aotearoa
Pirihimana o Aotearoa staff is controlled
users that have access to
through use of a current Police user id
the survey data via the
(approved by Susan Campbell) and a
online e-reporting tool
password changed and communicated
(including how Ngā
weekly to these staff by Rangahau
Pirihimana o Aotearoa
users’ agreement will be
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Action plan
The following table outlines the actions that will be taken to mitigate the identified risks for the
Table 3: Action plan
Date of completion
Review method of use of Ngā
Katrina Magill/Sarah Buchanan.
Monday 29 January 2024
Pirihimana o Aotearoa-sourced
105 sample information.
Review method of capturing
Katrina Magill/Sarah Buchanan.
Monday 29 January 2024
personal information via the
Establish and record project
Katrina Magill/Sarah Buchanan.
Monday 29 January 2024
folder and access permissions.
Prepare T&Cs for the removal of
Katrina Magill/Sarah Buchanan.
Monday 29 January 2024
personally identifiable
Prepare T&Cs for access
Katrina Magill/Sarah Buchanan.
Monday 29 January 2024
permissions for Ngā Pirihimana o
Aotearoa users to access the
online e-reporting tool.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Appendix A – Exemptions
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Table 4: 105 Call Sample Exclusions
Aggravated Robbery
Wounding With Intent
Aggravated Assaults
Common Assault
Domestic Dispute
Assist Fire/Ambulance/Traffic
Sudden Death
Threatens/Attempts Suicide
Indecent Performance And Acts
Video Recordings Act 1987
Abduction for Sex
Indecent Assaults
Sexual Violation
Unlawful Sexual Intercourse
Brothels And Prostitution
Advise Relatives
Warrant To Arrest/Fines Enforcement
Warrant of Seizure
Warrant to Arrest
Other Service Request Response
Child Abuse (Not Assault)
Domestic Violence Act 1995
Directed Patrol
Road Check
Staff Visit/Supervision
Receiving/possessing Stolen Goods
Mortuary Procedure
Forensic Examination
Photography Job
Logistics/Staff Transport
Execute Search Warrant
Family Harm Investigation
Bail Check
Bail Breach
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
EM Bail Breach
Police Safety Order Breach
Offences Against Judicial Procedure
Offences After Sentence Passed
Criminal Investigation (blood Smple) 1995
By Laws Prosecuted By Police
Table 5: 105 Online Sample Exclusions
Kidnapping and Abduction
Grievous Assaults
Serious Assaults
Minor Assaults
Sexual Attacks
Sexual Affronts
Abnormal Sexual Relationships
Immoral Behaviour
Indecent Videos
Sexual Attacks
Abnormal Sex
Immoral Behaviour
Immoral Behaviour/Miscellaneous
Domestic Dispute
Assist Fire/Ambulance/Traffic
Sudden Death
Advise Relatives
Warrant To Arrest/Fines Enforcement
Warrant of Seizure
Warrant to Arrest
Other Service Request Response
Directed Patrol
Road Check
Family Harm Investigation
Bail Check
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand
Level 6, 22 Panama St
PO Box 10 617, Wellington 6143
Child Abuse (Not Assault)
Domestic Violence Act 1995
Burglary For Drugs
Offences Against Judicial Procedure
Offences After Sentence Passed
Miscellaneous Offences Against Justice
Other Breaches Miscellaneous Statute
File Type: V - Family Violence