4 December 2024
File Ref: IRC-7330
W Forest
[FYI request #28857 email]
Tēnā koe Miss Forest
Thank you for your email of 22 October 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council (the
Council) requesting information regarding the Eyes On information sharing and matching programme
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act
1987 (LGOIMA). Please find my response below.
EyesOn helps public-facing organisations to build capacity and collaborate to reduce risk, enhance
resilience, and create a positive environment for everyone. It has a guardianship approach to well-
being through collaboratively building community, capability and awareness to ensure caring, safe and
thriving environments for those who live, visit, work and do business in Pōneke.
EyesOn was launched in December 2014 as an initial partnership between the Council, New Zealand
Police, the Wellington Inner City Association, and First Retail. The process of inspiring and engaging
businesses took time to build momentum, and in mid-2015 a Social and Recreation grant was
provided to a community organisation to expand the programme. At the end of 2015, this approach
expanded the theft prevention programme from a small number of businesses on Cuba Street to 280
members in the wider CBD.
When the funding agreement ended, the Council partnered with First Retail to continue the
programme. First Retail had previously been involved in the initial set-up, strategy and volunteering
visits to local retailers. This partnership further expanded the programme with initiatives to build
capability, develop resources and facilitate partnerships.
EyesOn continues to operate, with more than 650 organisations across the city participating, and
more than 1200 participants attending skills workshops. These outcomes are primarily achieved
through the facilitation of a network that allows businesses involved in the programme to share
information and prevent retail loss and a series of workshops co-facilitated by First Retail and the
Police, with support from the Council and social services organisations such as Downtown
Community Ministry. These workshops provide skills to participants to improve safety and confidently
de-escalate challenging situations. It empowers people with enhanced situational awareness and
practical techniques to create safer environments.
Request for Information
Much of the information requested is not held by the Council, as the EyesOn is delivered through First
Retail as the trusted partner. This means that questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 are refused under
Section 17(e) of the LGOIMA, that the document alleged to contain the information requested does
not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it, cannot be found.
1) List of current and past participating retailers - business name and NZBN - and all the other
entities who are part of the programme - or receive / have access to information otherwise
through it - with start and end dates if these are tracked.
First Retail are a trusted partner in the EyesOn programme, with responsibility for managing
the interface between the programme and participants. As the programme is managed on
behalf of WCC by First Retail, this information is not held by the Council.
2) Copies of the agreements - that should have been forwarded to the privacy commissioner -
pertaining the information sharing and matching relating to Eyes On programme that
Wellignton City Council is part of.
As the programme is managed on behalf of the Council by First Retail, the sign-up process is
managed by First Retail and any agreements between participants and EyesOn is held by
First Retail.
3) Latest reporting, advice and review pertaining to the Eyes On programme.
Formal reporting is not provided to Council. First Retail and Council staff however meet
regularly on an informal basis to discuss the programme.
4) Original business case and the current actual monetary expenditure attributed to the Eyes
On programme incurred
Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate the original business case.
As of October 2024, the monthly expenditure on the programme includes:
• Global Security - $110 + GST per month
• First Retail - $5,777 + GST per month
5) Privacy Assessments of the programme
No formal privacy assessment of the programme has been completed by Council.
6) Technical High level and Low level design of the sharing programme
The Council does not hold the technical design of the programme.
7) Requirements of the programme
To participate in the programme, an organisation must:
1. Be located in Wellington City
2. Be a public-facing organisation that deals with the public in a retail, hospitality,
service, healthcare or education environment
3. Commitment to adhering to and maintaining privacy and non-disclosure
8) Privacy / Security Incident Response management process documentation
The Council does not have a documented privacy/security incident response management
process for EyesOn.
If you require further information, please contact
[email address].
Nāku noa, nā
Wellington City Council | 2 of 3
Chelsea McHugh
Senior Advisor Of icial Information
Complaints & Information Assurance
Wellington City Council
Wellington City Council | 3 of 3