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Major Events Fund 2024/2025
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Major Events Fund Guidelines
* indicates a required field
The Major Events Fund is an annual contestable fund that is designed to support the
attraction, development and growth of events in Palmerston North. The objective of the
Major Events Fund is to support Event Producers to deliver world class events that drive
sustainable growth in domestic visitation and promote Palmerston North’s unique identity to
a wider audience.
Council’s investment will be targeted with a specific focus on events that:
•  Promote domestic tourism and increase visitor nights, promoting longer stays and
increased tourism activity, and generating visitation in the shoulder or low seasons;
• Telling and showcasing Palmerston North’s unique story;
• Generate positive media exposure for the region;
• Generate opportunities to leverage the city's profile and/or create a long-term legacy
for the city; and
• Contribute to a diverse range of events across the region’s wider event landscape.
For help, contact Major Events at [email address] or 06 356 8199.
Council’s intention is to support a number of events during the year from the Major Events
Fund. There will be events that have been committed to beyond the current financial year
which will impact the fund’s investment level. A maximum of three (3) year’s funding from
the Major Events Fund can be applied for in a single application.
The minimum application amount of funding to the Major Events Fund is $10,000 with a
maximum amount of $30,000 per annum. Other financial support the event has already
secured will be taken into account.
Council may also provide in-kind support or allocate a leverage budget to maximise
economic and social benefits through activations and/or increase marketing and profile of
the event, and will be considered as part of the assessment process.
For more information, see the council's Support and Funding Policy https://
Criteria for Applications
All applications and applicants to the Major Events Fund must align with the measurement
framework and:
•  Contribute towards Palmerston North’s vision of being a creative and exciting city;
• Cover all their own costs associated with the application and investment process
(including preparation of their application, providing further information and access to
referees, and negotiation of any investment agreement etc.);
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• Include sufficient information about the event, how the Major Events Fund investment
will be used and the expected outcomes. Any undertakings, dependencies, assumptions
or conditions must be clearly identified;
• Nominate a contact person within their organisation for purposes of the application,
and applicants must only engage with Council in respect of the application via Council’s
nominated contact person(s); 
• The assessment will also consider the event viability including organiser capability,
growth potential/ plans, and marketing activity.
• All successful recipients will be required to provide economic impact
reporting at the conclusion of their event.
Event Eligibility
To be eligible to apply for funding from the Major Events Fund, the Event and/or Event
Producer(s) must meet the following criteria:
•  Be held within Palmerston North (consideration will be given to events within the wider
Manawatū region by exception);
•  Drive visitation/media exposure from outside of the city;
• Demonstrate sustainable environmental practices in the organisation and staging of the
• Evidence opportunities provided to use local talent and community groups to develop
their skills;
• Be a public facing event (and not a trade show or convention);
• Planning, management, and delivery of the Event is in a finalised stage;
• The Event Producer must be a legal entity such as a trust, company or incorporated
society, and must be able to provide evidence of this status if requested;
• Not receive funding from another Council funding programme ;
• The Event/Event Producer must fully declare any additional funding, grant or koha/
donation for the event;
• The applicants must comply with all event regulatory and statutory requirements in
relation to the preparation and delivery of the event, including obtaining all necessary
permits and consents through the relevant parties.
Funding Exclusions
One of the items of supporting documentation requested is an Event Budget. Applicants
must indicate how the Major Events Fund investment will be used to fund specific
components of the budget, or to help offset the overall cost.
Some types of events and event related costs are not eligible for funding through this fund.
These include:
•  Private functions where the public is unreasonably restricted from attending
• Trade shows or conventions;
• Applications that are incomplete or fail to meet the fund requirements;
• Private functions, lunches or dinners;
• Political events;
• Events that promote religious, ministry or political purposes;
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• Events that present a hazard to the community or pose a significant risk to the public or
to Council;
• Events that are primarily a fundraiser for the organiser or aligned charity;
• If you have had approved event funding or grants for any other areas of the event from
Council (e.g. Sports Event Partnership Fund);
• Events that have breached previous funding agreements with Council including post-
event reporting criteria;
• Insurances and legal costs;
• Capital or equipment costs;
• Prize money or awards;
• Full-time or permanent employment.
Event Benefits
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a Funding Agreement with Council. The
Funding Agreement sets out the key terms of the funding, capture how the event will deliver
on the agreed outcomes, and provide full accountabilities for allocation of the Major Events
funding (including reporting and audit).
A key term of the Funding Agreement with Council is the Event Producer’s obligation to
provide of event benefits (leverage) to Council. The event benefits include:
•  Brand exposure in all promotional material and event publicity;
• Opportunities for public appearances by key figures associated with the Major Event
(e.g. drivers, team captain, “star” players/performers) in Palmerston North preferably at
Council delivered events if timetabling allows (e.g. autograph signing sessions);
• Opportunities for workshops, coaching or behind the scenes exclusive experiences
designed to engage, inspire and or educate the Event's target audience of Palmerston
North region pre-event;
• Where applicable, provision of event ticket giveaways for co-promoted Social Media
• Where applicable, provision of signed pieces of memorabilia:
• Provision for access to the event database/target audience for Council promotions;
• Provision of event ticketing insights and crowd data post event as part of the Post Event
Report; and
• Provision of access to post event media e.g. videos and photos for promotional use
Support Priorities
Event proposals that demonstrate all of these factors:
• contribution to outcomes achieve goal 1 and 2 of Council’s strategic direction; • promotion
of domestic tourism and increases visitor nights (i.e. promoting longer stays and increased
tourism activity, and generating visitation in the shoulder or low seasons); • showcase of
Palmerston North’s unique story; • generate positive media exposure for the region;
In addition to the above factors, proposals will receive a higher weighting if the initiative
demonstrates either: • the ability to generate opportunities to leverage the city’s profile
and/or create long-term legacy for the city; • contribution to a diverse range of events
across the region’s wider event landscape of both demographic or timing; or • contribution
to outcomes that achieve goal 3 and/or 4 of Council’s strategic direction.
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Terms and Conditions
1.0         Definitions
1.1        Definitions: In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
1.2        Applicant means the person, persons, or entity applying for funding from Council,
and may also be referred to as the Event Producer.
1.3        Council means Palmerston North City Council.
1.4        Funding Agreement means the contract entered into with the Applicant detailing the
agreement between Council and the Applicant.
1.5        Major Events Portfolio means the aggregate of the events that Council considers to
be a major event.
1.6        MEF means the Major Events Fund that Council oversees and allocates subject to
these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions in the Funding Agreement.
2.0         Funding
2.1        Council maintains and runs the MEF in its sole discretion.
2.2        The Council Major Events funding is capped. Council is not obligated to grant the
entirety of the MEF in any year nor carry over unallocated amounts to future years.
2.3        The MEF is for funding events only and cannot be used for funding any conventions,
conferences, trade shows or similar.
2.4        These Terms and Conditions will also form part and be included as part of the Terms
and Conditions of the Investment Agreement entered into with the successful applicant.
3.0         Application process
3.1        The application submitted by an Applicant must be online through the Smarty
Grants portal. Applications submitted outside of Smarty Grants may be rejected.
3.2        Each applicant must disclose all matters likely to be material to Council's
consideration of its application or which might have a bearing on the outcomes to be
delivered from the funding.
3.3        Council at its sole discretion, reserves the right to:
3.3.1         Change the criteria, parameters, date, timeline, or any other aspect of the
Funding Application or  decision-making application process and waive any application
3.3.2         Reject any application;
3.3.3         Require applicants to supply additional information;
3.3.4         Suspend or cancel the funding process in whole or in part;
3.3.5         Impose conditions on the approval or payment of Council's funding (i.e. a
requirement to successfully obtain a level of private funding or generate a certain number of
entries for an event);
3.3.6         Engage a third party to audit the applicant’s financial statements;
3.3.7         Seek independent advice and/or crossreference any information provided by the
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3.3.8         Council may carry out due diligence in respect of an application. This may include
due diligence on Applicants, organisations, or personnel involved. It may extend to financial
due diligence and relevant track records either as part of the application assessment
process or as part of any subsequent contract negotiation. By making an application, the
Applicant consents to Council making due enquiries with third parties in this regard and
agrees to provide access to referees where requested by Council.
3.4        Council will inform an Applicant of the success (or otherwise) of an application.
3.5        Council is not obliged to grant all or a certain percentage of the full amount sought
in the application. Acceptance of an Application also does not mean the Applicant is entitled
to the full amount applied for or can expect to receive a specificed amount or percentage.
Council will inform the Applicant of the level of funding it is prepared to contribute which will
be outlined in the Funding Agreement.
3.6        No decision is binding on Council until the Funding Agreement between Council and
the Applicant is agreed and the parties have signed and executed the agreement.
3.7        As part of the application, the Applicant should provide an integrated marketing
plan focussing on event and destination promotion including cross-promotion of other
Council events where possible which the Applicant can work in conjunction with Council to
develop and optimise if successful.
3.8        The Applicant warrants that all information provided in relation to its application
is true and correct in all material respects, at all times, and is not misleading whether
by omission or otherwise. If circumstances or information changes after making an
application,the Applicant must immediately notify Council.
4.0         Privacy
4.1        Council is committed to the Applicants privacy and will comply with applicable
privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1993, to the extent possible when sharing the
Applicant’s information with third parties in connection with all aspects of the application
process. The Applicant acknowledges that their data may be shared for the purpose of
evaluating their application.
4.2        Council may share details contained in any application with Elected Members and
consult with them on any application for funding.
4.3        Council may publish or publicly release information in relation to the MEF and
specifically in relation to the funding amounts requested.
4.4        Council is governed by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987. Council is committed to being transparent about its activities and its major events
fundings and as such may publish funding and ratepayer contribution to events. Further,
Council may publicly disclose its financial and other involvement in and/or contribution to
any/all events in Council's Major Events Portfolio at its sole discretion.   
4.5        By submitting an application, the Applicant acknowledges that the information in
their application may be disclosed publically, or to a third party, and agrees to the disclosure
of such information.
5.0         Termination
5.1        Council may terminate its consideration of, or reject, an application at any time
prior to an Funding Agreement being signed and executed.
5.2        Council is not required to give a reason where it terminates or rejects an
6.0         Conflicts and disclosure
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6.1        The applicant should detail any actual or potential conflict of interest (including
anything which might have the appearance of a conflict of interest) which could compromise
the decision on the application or bring the process into disrepute. For example, the
applicant should identify any situation where a person involved with the event has a
connection with someone who is an elected representative, serving on the board of, is a
contract provider to, or working within Council or any CCO. Failure to disclose a conflict will
result in immediate termination of an application or Funding Agreement.
6.2        All Applicants must disclose to Council any other funding sources, including any
sources where the Applicant has lodged an application for funding and whether or not
that funding has been confirmed. Further the Applicant must disclose any corporate or
commercial sponsorship arrangements irrespective of whether the sponsorship arrangement
includes direct funding or in-kind support.
6.3        Applicants must not directly or indirectly seek to influence Council's funding
decisions in any improper or unethical manner (or in any way which might have the
appearance of being so), nor attempt to solicit or garner non-public information from Council
which might give an unfair advantage in the application process.
7.0         General
7.1        Confidentiality: Except as required by law, and subject to these terms and
conditions, both parties shall preserve as confidential any information of a confidential
nature that they acquire in relation to the other.
7.2        Dispute resolution: Should a dispute arise in relation to the interpretation of these
terms and conditions the Applicant must notify Council in writing, detailing the problem.
Council will determine whether there is any dispute to resolve and will inform the Applicant
of its decision in writing, and if there is a dispute to resolve, then the process that will be
7.3        Severability: If any part of these terms and conditions is held by any court to be
illegal, void or unenforceable, such determination shall not impair the enforceability of the
remaining parts of these terms and conditions.
7.4        Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of New Zealand
and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.
Do you accept the terms of agreement outlined above? *
○   Yes
Major Events Fund Application
* indicates a required field
Organisation Information
All professional event industry stakeholders who hold and arrange events can apply. This
•  Charitable trusts
• Incorporated societies
• Limited or registered companies.
Individuals are not supported through this sponsorship fund.
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Major Events Fund 2024/2025
Form Preview
Organisation Name
○ Individual
○ Organisation
Organisation Name  
  First Name
  Last Name
What is your
☐  Charitable Trust ☐  Incorporated
☐  Limited or
Organisation's Legal
Status? *
Applicant *
○ Individual
○ Organisation
Organisation Name  
  First Name
  Last Name
Applicant Primary
Address *
 Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and
Country are required.
Applicant Primary Phone
Number *
Must be a New Zealand phone number.
Applicant Primary Email
Must be an email address.
Must be a URL.
GST Number (if
Charity Registration
The Charity Registration Number provided will be used
to look up the following information. Click Lookup above
to check that you have entered the Charity Registration
Number correctly.
 New Zealand Charities Register Information
 Charity Registration
 Organisation Name
 Other Names
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Form Preview
 Street Address
 Postal Address
 Date Registered
Must be formatted correctly.
New Zealand Business
The NZBN provided will be used to look up the following
information. Click Lookup above to check that you have
entered the NZBN correctly.
 New Zealand Companies Register Information
 Entity Name
 Registration Date
 Entity Status
 Entity Type
 Registered Address
 Office Address
Must be formatted correctly.
Previous Experience of
Delivering Events *
Please provide a brief summary of Major Events the Organisation
has previously and successfully delivered
Event Information
Event Name *
Event Concept &
Purpose *
Please provide a full explanation of the purpose of the event
including what attendees can expect to experience.
Key Features of Event
Programme *
Please identify the key features of the event's prorgamme
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Form Preview
Key Objectives of the
Event, and how you will
measure them *
Provide a brief bulletpoint summary of the core objectives/goals
of the Event, and how you will measure them. For example, what
are the key things your attendee will walk away with, extending
tourist length of stay, measured through ticket sales, calculate
the percentage of attendees outside the host economy
History of the Event
 Provide a brief summary of the history or your event inclusive
how long it has been going and where the event has taken place,
and why you are asking for Major Events Funding.
Event Frequency *
☐  One-Off
☐  Annual
☐  Biennial
☐ Other:
Proposed Event Start
Date *
Must be a date and no earlier than 1/7/2023.
Is the Event Ticketed? *
○  Yes
○  No
Please ensure ticket prices are included in the Event Business
Event Duration *
For how many days will the event run?
Reason for Proposed
Event Date(s) *
i.e. Is the event seasonal?
Has the Event been held
previously? *
If Yes, please detail where and when.
Past Attendance
Numbers *
Must be a whole number (no decimal place).
Please provide anticipated numbers if the Proposed Event is a
one-off, or if this is a New Event
Proposed Event Location
Please name proposed Venue or Public Space
List the partner(s) and/
or the stakeholder(s)
involved in the event? *
Partners have a vested interest in your event and will work with
you (e.g. sponsors, in-kind sponsors/partnerships). Stakeholders
are special groups you will communicate with to ensure your
event goes well (e.g. media, industry associations, Government
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Form Preview
Organisations, Community Groups). Bulletpoint how are they
Conflict of Interest
Event Producers affiliated in some way to Elected Members or employees of Council can still
be considered for grant funding, however any possible conflict of interest (or perception of
a conflict of interest) should be noted in the application to the Major Events Fund to ensure
any necessary steps can be taken to mitigate this.
Elected members or council employees involved in funding decisions are also required to
note any possible conflict of interest (or perception of a conflict of interest), and will not be
involved in any assessment or decision-making related to these applications.
Are there any Palmerston North City Council employees or Elected Members
associated with your Organisation? *
○  Yes
○  No
Please provide their names and nature of their relationship with your
Strategic Outcomes
Strategic outcomes are integral guiding principles of the Major Events Fund measurement
framework and are used in assessing whether to support an event as part of the Major
Events portfolio.
Whilst funding will be prioritised for events that strongly align with this framework, the
evaluation is weighted towards the strength and appeal of the idea, rather than the
comprehensiveness of the application. Please note that the event does not need to
deliver on every factor in the framework in order to be considered for support.
In the following sections, please briefly identify how the event will champion each factor:
Strategic Goal Alignment
Our City has a vision to make the most of all the benefits of a small city, whilst offering our
citizens and the region big city opportunities. 
Our goal is for Palmerston North to be recognised for its great quality of life, while at the
same time build our reputation as a creative and exciting place to live, work, play and visit. 
When thinking about your event, which strategic goals does your event most closely align
with Palmerston North City Council. Please choose one. 
Which strategic goal(s) does your event align with? *
○   An Innovative and Growing City
○   A Creative and Exciting City
○   A Connected and Safe Community
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Form Preview
○   An Eco City
○   None
Which PNCC Strategic Goals does your event align with? You can align with more than one. For more
information go to
Audience Profile and Measurement
Audience profiling ensures that you're meeting the right audience at the right time
through the right channels. It will allow you to drive more loyalty, by building targeted and
relevant campaigns, and as an event create meaningful experiences for our spectators and
Audience demographic segmentation
Tell us who you want to attact to your event - ie what groups, customers and potential customers
profiles are via traits such as generation, age, gender, income, occupation/hobby etc
Audience Geography
Who will attend your event, where will they come from and and in what numbers: Spectators,
Participants, Total attendance, Repeat spectators and Unique Attendees
Strategic Criteria: Economic
Our Major Events Fund seeks to support larger scale events that will attract significant
participation/attendance from outside Palmerston North and the Manawatū. 
These economic benefits have the ability to drive and stimulate benefits into Palmerston
North in the form of new expenditure and/or future investment to the region.
Please provide bullet-point details on how your event may drive and stimulate the economy,
and how you will measure this.
How will your event contribute to the attracting visitors and capitalise on the
accommodation, tourism and add value to Palmerston North as a destination?
Outline the Economic benefits, the Tourism benefits, the Business benefits, and
what the Growth Event Drivers are *
What will be the average length of stay and/or visitor nights? How will you
calculate this? *
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Form Preview
Estimated daily expenditure per visitor? How will you calculate this?
% of attendees from outside the host region and economy? How will you calculate
% of contracts awarded to Palmerston North Companies?
Strategic Criteria: Destination Profile
The Major Events Fund seeks to align with events that contribute to visitor and attendee's
experience and showcase what Palmerston North and has to offer. Events generate
economic and social value for our community, and bring people together to explore
Palmerston North's unforgettable experiences.
Please provide details on how the event might contribute towards the following:
•  Contributing to the Economy
• Attracting visitors to the region
• Enhancing the profile of the region,
• Fostering community pride in Palmerston North
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
•  Improving destination awareness
• Encouraging minimum visitation experiences
• Clear social returns or benefits
• Analytics on social media and traditional media coverage
Outline how your event marketing strategy, event brand and media strategy will
increases the level of awareness of Palmerston North as a destination to visit *
What is the expected return on investment (ROI)?
 ROI = [(Total Revenue - Total Cost of Event) / Total Cost of Event] x 100 = ROI%
Strategic Criteria: Social Impacts and Social Economics
The Major Events Fund strives to include events that connect with the community and
encourage social inclusiveness and accessibility for our diverse communities.
An event that incorporates community engagement can:
•  Bring different communities together
• Raise the profile of the area
• Give back to the community
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• Act as a vehicle for change
• Facilitate awareness
• Use volunteers that will take on a challenge, learn new skills and be part of the
• Make the event more accessible to new/different sectors of the community
Please provide bullet-point details on how your event will connect to the community and
how you will measure these outcomes.
Example may include, but are not limited to:
•  The value of volunteer hours expressed in $,
• Increased opportunities for people to participate,
• Involvement in, engagement with, promotion of, community organisations and/or
cultural organisations
• Providing equitable opportunities and outcomes
• Promote and encourage diversity
• Increase volunteer numbers
• Create opportunities for volunteers to upskill
Outline how your Event will connect with Community *
Outline how your event will contribute to community pride?
Outline how your event will contribute to increasing community capacity and
social capital?
How will your event impact the social capital of the community? What
opportunities are there to meet and interact with event visitors, other residents,
other businesses or experts?
Strategic Criteria: Sustainability
The Major Events Fund works towards supporting and encouraging sustainable events.
Sustainable events that contribute towards economic, environmental and social
sustainability ensure our events are able to leave a better impact, leave a better operation,
make a difference to the running of the event, and mitigate challenges of relying on grant
Please provide bullet-point details on how the event may contribute towards:
•  Economic Sustainability,
• Environmental Sustainability and/or
• Social Sustainability.
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Example and measures may include, but are not limited to:
Economic Sustainability:
•  Return on investment,
• financial stability beyond the Major Events Fund,
• Buy-in from partners, sponsors and stakeholders,
• diversified revenue streams
Environmental Sustainability:
•  Sustainable event design and construction,
• Waste minimisation/Recycle/Zero-to-landfill,
• Public, or transport options
• Environmentally sustainable practices
Social Sustainability:
•  Provides equitable opportunities and outcomes for attendance, participation,
• Promotes and encourages diversity.
Outline how your Event will grow and work towards Economic, Environmental &
Social Sustainable Outcomes * 
Strategic Criteria: Portfolio Fit
The Major Events Fund seeks to fund Events that enhance outcomes related to the current
and future vision of the Major Event portfolio and programme.
The Major Events Fund will support event producers whose event genre and identity enable
council to promote and capitalise on:
•  Our competitive identity,
• The vision of Palmerston North being an innovate, creative and exciting place to deliver
• Deliver and maintain a portfolio of events that delivers a balanced strategic event
Please provide bullet-point details on how the event will
•  Add to the current and future event programme
• Showcases how Palmerston North is a desirable place for hosting major events
• Illustrate how the event will reflect and grow into an iconic event that is distinctively
Outline how your Event fits and compliments *
Strategic Criteria: Leverage Legacy
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With respect to Leverage and Legacy, the Major Events Fund will encourage events that
provide opportunities to leverage partnerships, or leave a legacy which enhances economic,
social, cultural or environmental benefits.
Leveraging partnerships may result in:
•  attracting new audiences,
• decreasing costs
• boosting brand authority.
Event legacy has resulted in a lasting long term benefit on a regional, national or
international scale. This can result from the event itself, or from leveraging activities
surrounding it. Benefits may include, but are not limited to:
•  Creation of employment
• National or international exposure
• Opportunity for New Zealanders to experience a world class event
• Creating trade or investment opportunities during the event
• Development of infrastructure or facilities
• Fostering of key national and international relationships
• Growth in participation and high achievement in the field with which the event relates
Please provide bullet-point details on how the event can provide opportunities leverage
partnerships, or create an event legacy to improve event delivery capability within the City,
that provide lasting or long-term benefits to the city beyond the event. Also state how these
opportunities will be measured.
Profile, Event Capability & Non-Core Activities *
Funding Sought
Total funding assistance sought from the Major Events Fund *
Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents).
If you are seeking multi-year funding, please enter the total sum of the years here. Multi-Year funding
is for a maximum of three (3) years
Amount Requested Year 1
Must be a dollar amount.
What is the amount (in dollars only) of the total requested funds committed in the first year? (max
Amount Requested Year 2
Must be a dollar amount.
What is the amount (in dollars only) of the total requested funds committed in the second year? (max
Amount Requested Year 3
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Must be a dollar amount.
What is the amount (in dollars only) of the total requested funds committed in the third year? (max
How will the Major Events Fund investment be used to fund specific components
of the budget, or to help offset the overall cost? *
Other Funding Sources
Please provide details of any other funding sources for the proposed event, including
any sources where you have lodged an application for funding and whether or not that
funding has been confirmed. Please also disclose any corporate or commercial sponsorship
arrangements irrespective of whether the sponsorship arrangement includes direct funding
or in-kind support.
Date applied
Who to
How much
Type of Funding Confirmed
Must be a dollar
Required Supporting Documentation
Event Business Plan *
Attach a file:
The Event Business Plan lists the key steps the
Event Producer will take to stage a successful
event and serves to guide the event towards
achieving its objectives and vision. The Event
Business Plan should set out and justify the
event in a logical framework. The plan should
act as a blueprint for the event and is a vital
resource for potential investors and funders.
The plan may include, but not be limited to,
a background and history of the event, its
aims and objectives, the event’s resourcing
requirements, and possible risk factors.
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Event Budget *
Attach a file:
A detailed Event Budget outlining all event
expenses and income is an essential part of
the application for funding. Budget information
should be based on quotes from suppliers the
event intends to use. All relevant regulatory
costs involved in the event, such as resource
consent fees, costs for the preparation of
traffic management plans by an approved
contractor, building consents etc. must be
included. Please note the Major Events Fund
will not fund some event-related costs – refer
to Funding Exclusions.
Optional Supporting Documentation
These can be submitted at a later date, closer to the event:
Health, Safety & Security Management Plan
Attach a file:
As with other Council supported events, a Health, Safety & Security Management Plan will
be required to be sighted and signed off by the relevant Council Officer prior to the event
taking place. 
All Event Producers have a duty to plan, manage and monitor their event to make sure that
workers and the attendees are not exposed to health and safety risks.
The Health, Safety and Security Management plan should detail how the event intends to
meet its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) and manage risk
of harm to people or damage to property. Risks of injury to workers, members of the public
and other people attending events should be eliminated or, if this is not possible, reduced so
far as is reasonably practicable. This includes steps to evidence competent contractors are
engaged, and that contractors, workers and volunteers have received adequate instruction,
training and supervision. The document should cover all hazards and risks associated with
the Event, including Traffic Management, Food and Alcohol, Sun Protection, Smoking, and
Medical. It should also include your crowded places security audit and crowd management
Environmental Sustainability Plan
Attach a file:
Environmental protection has become increasingly important to the public and event
organisers and owners. Event attendees and participants are very aware of the potential
for major events to cause adverse environmental impacts such as pollution, damage to
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Major Events Fund 2024/2025
Form Preview
ecosystems and waste. Operating an event in a sustainable manner with an environmental
focus is no longer considered as an optional activity or a "nice to have" — it's a must.
The Environmental Sustainability Plan should set out the rationale for the Event’s objectives,
and determine the actions to reduce the environmental impacts of the event. Ideally it
ashould include:
•  An overview of the identified environmental impacts the event is likely to have
• A clearly defined scope of the environmental impacts that will and won't be included in
the plan
• Aims and Objectives - ideally there would be an objective for each chosen focus area
(eg, waste, transport, energy etc.)
• Measurable Performance Indicators against which success can be measured eg. 60% of
waste diverted from landfill
• Details of stakeholders who will be involved in ensuring the plan is delivered
• Identified risks and how these will be managed within the timelines.
Event Marketing & Communications Plan
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The Event Marketing & Communications Plan should outline all communications and
marketing objectives, including intended promotional and marketing activity, media
strategy, internal and external stakeholder communications activity, as well as a crisis
management plan. The plan should include implementation dates and details. The Event
Marketing & Communications plan will help the panel to assess if the event will be able to
attract the target audience.
Supplementary Documentation
Attach a file:
A maximum of 3 files may be attached.
Please upload any other documents or items of reference you consider pertinent to your application
e.g. previous economic impact report
You must agree to the below statements before submitting your application: *
☐   I have authority to commit to the following conditions on behalf of the applicant group.
☐   I understand that we cannot receive further funds from Palmerston North City Council for
the same project if this application is successful.
☐   I understand that the Palmerston North City Council is bound by the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
☐   I consent to Palmerston North City Council recording the details provided in this
application and retaining and using these details for considering the application.
☐   I have obtained the consent of all people involved to provide any personal contact
details in this application. I understand that I have the right to access this information. This
consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.
☐   I authorise Palmerston North City Council to seek such information as they may require
to complete the consideration of this application.
☐   I declare that the information provided in this application is correct and true to the best
of my knowledge.
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Major Events Fund 2024/2025
Form Preview
At least 7 choices must be selected.
Name *
First Name
  Last Name
Position in Organisation *
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