P Robins
[FYI request #28546 email]
Dear P Robins
I write in response to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) received by this office on 2
December 2024 for:
“…a list of briefings and advice you have received since being sworn in as
Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure and Minister
Responsible for RMA Reform.”
I provide you with a table of documents received in my capacity as Parliamentary Under-
Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure and to the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform.
The scope of information provided includes briefings and advice developed by central
government agencies and sent to my office. Please refer to Annex 1.
Some information has been withheld under the following sections of the Act:
Section of Act
Reason to withhold
To maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protect
the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and
To maintain legal professional privilege
In addition to the briefings and advice listed, most weeks I have been provided with weekly
reports by the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission and the Ministry for the Environment.
These reports contain updates on a range of matters.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Office of the Ombudsman of
my decision relating to this request, in accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. The relevant
details can be found on their website at: Yours sincerely
Simon Court MP
Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform