This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Subtitles on TVNZ+'.

J M Small 
Address not provided  
Via email: <[FYI request #27265 email]> 
26 June 2024 
Dear Ms Small  
Official Information Act request dated 24 June 2024 
We refer to your email of 14 June 2024 (your Request) requesting information under 
the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). TVNZ’s Response is set out below. 
Request 1: On what basis does TVNZ decide whether or not to make a show available 
to the hearing impaired i.e., provide subtitles? 
Response 1: All primetime broadcast content on TVNZ 1, 2 and DUKE carries closed 
captions. Captioning is provided by our partner, Able, and funded by NZ on Air. 
Captioning prioritisation is given to the primetime broadcast time slot because that 
time slot is when the majority of television audiences are watching. Able is not 
resourced or funded to caption the entirety of TVNZ’s broadcast schedule.  
TVNZ+ (our digital platform) reuses television closed captioning, or utilises captions 
provided by our distribution partners. Almost 60% of TVNZ+ shows are captioned, and 
this volume increases year-on-year.  
For TVNZ+, we request caption files from many of our international distributors, but 
not all distributors are able to provide this material. (Some are able to provide caption 
files, but are not able to provide those within the available budget).  
Request 2: What is the reason for not providing subtitle information upfront (when 
browsing the app). 
Response 2: On TVNZ+ the presence of closed captions is signposted via display of the 
‘CC’ logo (see the screen capture below). Not all series are captioned in their entirety, 
so the “CC” logo is displayed per episode not on the show tile or in the show synopsis. 

Request 3: Are there plans (budgeted and signed off) to provide subtitles on all TVNZ+ 
content as other streaming services do? 
Response 3: TVNZ is working with Able and our international distributors to grow 
captioning on our streaming platform as quickly as possible. Increased accessibility is 
part of the scope for TVNZ’s new platform. 
We trust this information assists. As you may know, if you are dissatisfied with this 
response section 28 of the Act provides you with the right to make a complaint to the 
Ombudsman in order to seek an investigation and review.  
Yours sincerely, 
Official Information Requests Team