Attachment A Project name Project activity Financial year Completed Amount description Victoria Park - develop
Install lighting
$273,243.42 greenway (Local Board
along the Auckland Transport Funded)
greenway path from Beaumont Street to Victoria Street and improve the landscape in the vicinity near the Beaumont Street carpark. Landscape improvements at either end of carpark including new concrete hardstands and gardens completed June 2020.
Victoria Park - renew pathway
Renewal of the car
2021/2022 Nov-21
and car park (Halsey Street)
park and pathway within Victoria park along Halsey Street.
Sports and cricket fields,
Victoria Park -
$ 48,752.00 lighting and equipment - renew renew 20m high 2021/2022 – Waitematā
sports flood light
fittings to LED and replace artificial cr
icket surfaces. Project name Project activity Financial year Completed Amount description Victoria Park pavilion roof
Undertake general
2022/2023 Jun-23
interior and exterior renewals at Victoria Park pavilion and toilet. 2022/2023 completed works were the renewal of the pavilion roof (addressing corrosion of the exposed structural steel, replacement of polycarbonate cladding of the annexed roof, replacement the roof cladding of the upper roof and replacement of skylights). Note - includes for the design and consent required for the renewal of the changing rooms, planned for FY2025/2026 . Open space furniture, fixtures
Victoria Park -
$ 413,714.00 and utilities - renew - 2020/2021 renewal of park - Waitematā
seats and picnic sets, signage, Project name Project activity Financial year Completed Amount description water fountains, timber fences, bollards and formalising paths from Fanshaw Street into the park with steps.
Open space park roads and
Renew Victoria
$ 55,000.00 carparks - renew - 2022/2023 –
Park south carpark Waitematā
Open space buildings - renew - Victoria Park
$ 0 2022/2023 – Waitematā
Cottage café hand
rail replacements Sports and cricket fields,
Victoria Park -
2023/2024 Jun-24
$10,920.00 lighting and equipment - renew renew 6 x 6m 2022/2023 – Waitematā
rugby posts
Sports and cricket fields,
Victoria Park -
Expected completion
$112,605.00 lighting and equipment - renew renewal of lights,
September 2025 2022/2023 - Waitematā
including luminaires, crossarm, directional drilling and supply of E switch. Removal of 2 obsolete col
umns. Open space play spaces -
Victoria Park -
2023/2024 Mar-24
$117,953.00 renew 2023/2024 – Waitematā
skate facility
renewal. Project name Project activity Financial year Completed Amount description Open space play spaces -
Victoria Park -
$ 7,665.00 renew 2023/2024 – Waitematā
renew muscle buster play equipment Waitemata - renew paving,
Upgrade Victoria
2019/2020 May-19 $
207,687.00 courts and car park FY17
Park access road. This includes upgrade sub-base and surfacing including drainage works and road markings Play spaces - renew 2019/2020
Victoria Park –
$13,710.00 - Waitematā
spinner Open space buildings - renew - 2021/2022