This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Resource consent RM22-0076-AP'.
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 19:40:41 +0000
Subject: Official Information request - Resource Consent RM22-0076-AP
From: Valerie Morse <[email address]>
To: Web Info Requests <[email address]>

Kia ora Bay of Plenty Regional Council,

I am writing regarding the resource consent granted to Rainbow Renewable Energy RM22-0076-AP for discharge to air.

Please advise:

- Has this trial gone ahead?

If yes, then:
- Has this finished? If not, when is it scheduled to finish?
- Has any stack data been provided to BOPRC?
- Have there been any exceedances of air quality standards or consent conditions during the trial?
-Have there been any complaints of odour or dust?

Ngā mihi,

Valerie Morse


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