17 April 2024
J. Bythell
[FYI request #26344 email] [
Tēnā koe J. Bythell,
I refer to your email/letter dated 6th April 2024, requesting the following under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
“Is your department at risk of overspending its financial appropriation
this year?
If it is, please supply
* all correspondence with and information supplied to Treasury about
* all correspondence with and information supplied to your Minister and
your Minister’s office about this
* all correspondence with and information supplied to the Public
Services Commission about this
* all correspondence with and information supplied to the Auditor-
General or his office about this
* all papers to or considered by your leadership team about this
* all papers to or considered by your risk and audit committee about
* all papers to or considered by any other of your governance groups
about this
Have you set aside an allowance in this financial year for redundancies
or other costs of restructuring?
If so, how much is that allowance?
If not, do you anticipate any costs for these in this financial year?”
The Ministry of Transport is not at risk of overspending its financial appropriation for the year
ending 30 June 2024.
As at 31 March 2024 there has been $510k of redundancy costs paid year-to-date, with no
further costs anticipated.
transport.govt.nz | hei-arataki.nz
HEAD OFFICE: PO Box 3175, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. PH: +64 4 439 9000
AUCKLAND OFFICE: NZ Government Auckland Policy Office, PO Box 106483, Auckland 1143, New Zealand. PH: +64 4 439 9000
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by the Ombudsman, in
accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. The relevant details can be found on the Ombudsman’s
e www.ombudsman.parliament.nz
The Ministry publishes our Official Information Act responses and the information contained in our
reply to you may be published on the Ministry website. Before publishing we will remove any
personal or identifiable information.
Nāku noa, nā
Penelope Leith
Chief Financial Officer