This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Documents re earthworks permit 3002060-LGAEWK'.

Didi Paraone; Amit Nandi
Planning Support
RE: 3002062-LGAEWK 26 Derrick road Kawakawa
3002062-LGAEWK- Earthworks Plan -26 Derrick Road, Kawakawa.pdf
3002062-LGAEWK-Earthworks Permit -26 Derrick Road, Kawakawa.pdf
Hi Didi
This is the permit 
prepared this morning.
The applicant also called this morning after Amit’s suggestion and was asking about building a
retaining wall fence and concreting his driveway.  I suggested that he would need to contact
council if he is upgrading the vehicle crossing as he’ll need a vehicle crossing permit before
undertaking works from his boundary to the road and if the retaining wall was on his boundary
he may need to see if he requires and RC?  I didn’t really understand what he was asking 
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call the office 
Kind regards,
Business Administration | Haigh Workman Ltd

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From: Didi Paraone <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 1:42 pm
Cc: Diego Solarte Garcia <[email address]>
Subject: FW: 3002062-LGAEWK 26 Derrick road Kawakawa
I don’t know how far off this approval is, but can you please show this email to 
so he can possibly
add these conditions to the permit.
If not return the permit document in WORD form and we will enter them.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
Didi Paraone
Senior RMA Support Officer

District Services, Far North District Council | 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029
DDI +6494070412 | [email address]

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From: Diego Solarte Garcia <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 1:33 pm
To: Didi Paraone <[email address]>
Subject: 3002062-LGAEWK 26 Derrick road Kawakawa
Hi Didi,
I want to provide some information re. 3002062-LGAEWK.
1.  This is a retrospective application. Property owner did most of the work prior to the application.
2.  The fill went beyond his boundary affecting #28. They are expecting for the excess of dirt to be
removed. I’m not sure if it’s possible to include a condition re cleaning the boundary, but if this
is possible it will be much appreciated.
3.  Road should be cleaned as well.
4.  Property owners from #28 are exploring the options to object the proposal and It’s possible
that you will receive RFSs re to the application.
Kind regards
Diego Solarte Garcia
Monitoring Compliance Officer

District Services, Far North District Council | 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029
DDI +6494015580 | 0274230028 | [email address]
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