From: BRUCE, Sharon
Sent: 4 Feb 2014 23:13:04 +0000
To: '[email address]'
Bcc: CLAASEN, Henry;BOWDEN, Stephen;CROW, Katie *
Subject: Cumberland Street - CSM14/500334
Attachments: 47 Cumberland St - Subsoil (8) (Small).jpg, 47 Cumberland St - Subsoil (5)
(Small).jpg, 47 Cumberland St - Subsoil (6) (Small).jpg, 47 Cumberland St - Subsoil (7) (Small).jpg
Hello John
Your email to the Mayor regarding the leak on Cumberland Street has been forwarded to me for follow
up. I have contacted the relevant people in our Water and Waste and Roading teams, and their
responses to your questions are as follows:
Regarding re-work, Henry Claasen (Team Leader Reticulation) advises our normal practice is that a
contractor does not get paid for any re-work, it is done at the expense of the contractor. In this
instance our contractor went to the site and established that the leak was groundwater (no toby was
Steve Bowden (Roading Engineer) advises we have problems in this area of springs/ground water
seeping out of the berm and across the footpath. To fix that problem we put in a land drain and a kerb
connection to ensure the spring water didn't flow across the footpath. I believe the resident of 44
Cumberland St rang up again some weeks ago to say water was running across the footpath, which
meant the land drain may have been blocked. Fulton Hogan were going to revisit the site.
Fulton Hogan have installed further subsoil drainage in front of 47 Cumberland two weeks ago (see
attached photos). Two 100mm diameter nova flow drains were installed, one behind the kerb & the
other next to the footpath. We will be making good the berm/reseeding it when it dries out.
There was no leak at the Heta Rd/Cumberland St intersection from the valve box when Steve passed by
this on Saturday.
I trust this answers your questions, should you have any queries please contact us via
[New Plymouth District Council request email] or telephone 759 6060.
Sharon Bruce
Manager Customer Support
New Plymouth District Council | Liardet St | Private Bag 2025 | New Plymouth 4342 | Ph 06-759 6060 |
Facebook |
From: John Stuart <
[email address]>
Date: 30 January 2014 10:59:02 am NZDT
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014
To: "Mayor NPDC; Andrew Judd" <
[email address]>
Cc: "Chief Executive, NPDC" <
[email address]>
Subject: Cumberland Street Water Leak
Mayor Andrew
Ten days ago and then on Friday 24 January I spoke to your call centre about an ongoing leak within the
Council berm outside house number 49 on Cumberland Street. On by first call I had said it was outside
house 44. I ride the Te Henui stream walkway from Mangorei Road many days of week and hence
noticed the water running down the gutter. At the time of my first call it was obvious that a contractor
had dug up the lawn and installed a new Toby box but the water was only dribbling. The second call was
to explain that the area around the Toby box was now mud and the rate of water flow had increased. At
this second conversation the lady at the call centre told me that it had been inspected and that it was a
spring. I expected this to be the response but unfortunately struggle to accept the comment. As a
retired contactor I need to know whether the council contractor gets paid for the re-work as in my
industry the contractors always accepted any costs for the second attempt.
Please advise.
I also mentioned to the call centre during my second conversation that at the intersection of Heta Road
and Cumberland Street on the West side water is leaking out of the pavement around the concrete
island. This appears to have been leaking for a long time due to the growth on the asphalt.
I am concerned that my ratepayer money may be being wasted on the treated water being leaked as
your election plank was to save money which was great when we have a Town Clerk whose apparent
penchant is to spend rather than save.
10-45 am today. I have just had a phone message from Neville Vogue of OPUS stating that it is a spring
but he did not give me any timeline. Please arrange for this to be sent to me
John Stuart
Phone: 06-7585233
Mobile: 027-4311148
Sharon Bruce
Manager Customer Support
New Plymouth District Council | Liardet St | Private Bag 2025 | New Plymouth 4342 | Ph 06-759 6060 |
Facebook |
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014
Document Set ID: 6064536
Version: 1, Version Date: 08/11/2014