This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Decision by Police to claim areas of Lebanon or Syria are part of 'Israel''.
9 December 2022
Mohammed Khan 
[FYI request #20686 email] 
Tēnā koe Mohammed 
Request for information 
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 28 September 2022. I 
apologise for the delay in providing a response. You requested: 
I am interested by the document Police produced, purportedly making a case for the 
renewal of the designation of the self-defence wing of Lebanese Hezbollah as a 
'terrorist group'.

Provide all documents and communications that led Police to falsely claim that 
Hezbollah firing near an area that is not part of 'israel' and which is illegally occupied by 
the 'israeli defense forces' terrorist group violated the Terrorism Suppression Act. 
2) The report claims that "a range of think tanks" were referred to, but the 'range' is
obviously very limited. Was any consideration given to engaging with any 'think tanks'
that are not openly zionist and which do not support the genocide of the Palestinian
3) The report refers to consulting a 'regional news source', the so-called 'Times of
Israel'. Was any consideration given to engaging with regional news sources from
countries like Lebanon and Syria that have been repeatedly subjected to orgies of mass
slaughter like those the zionists perpetrated at Sabra & Shatila, regional news sources
from countries where Hezbollah protect the native people of the Middle East from
further zionist massacres?
4) The 'other sources' cited, the "Jewish Telegraphic Agency Australian National
Security, Eye on Hezbollah, and The United States Department of Justice" are openly
zionist and supportive of zionist war crimes and illegal occupation as well. Was any
consideration given to engaging with 'sources' that support human rights?

Police is not responsible for the designation of terrorist entities, rather designations are made by 
the Prime Minister. Police is involved in the process as Chair of The Terrorist Designations 
Working Group (TDWG). Further information about how terrorist designations are made is 
available at:

Police National Headquarters 
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. 
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400.   

A range of sources were considered by the TDWG in the drafting of the Statement of Case, all 
of which are listed in the document under the section titled “Credibility of Sources”. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602. 
Yours sincerely 
Dan Wildy PhD 
Director National Intelligence 
New Zealand Police