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Cc: Mounsey, Zoe <[email address]>;>;>;>
Subject: Re: Draft report
Hi Darryl
That timing sounds good to me thanks. Glad to hear it has hit the mark.
Ngā mihi
PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand
PwC Centre, 10 Waterloo Quay, PO Box 243, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
on Act 1982
Alternative contact: 
At PwC we work flexibly - so whilst it suits me to send this email now, I do
not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours
On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 14:33, Purdy, Darryl < [email address]>
Kia ora 
 thanks for the report. After reviewing the report (which is of good
quality thank you) and discussion with the Chair of Audit and Risk we are going to
submit the draft to ARC for review and feedback. ARC is on Monday 14th June.
ARC will provide any feedback, which we will pass on to you quickly and then we
will look to finalise for the Board meeting on the 25th of June. Papers are due out
to the Board on Friday the 18th of  une, so we will need to turn edits (if any)
around by the end of that week. I hope this is ok?
ELT has not provided any feedback/edits on the draft report.
Happy to discuss. Thanks
Ngā mihi
Darryl Purdy
DCE Finance and Business Operations
the Offical Inform
Sent: Wednesday, 26 May 2021 1:41 pm
To: Purdy  Darryl <[email address]>
Cc: Mounsey, Zoe <[email address]>;>;>
Subject: Draft report
Hi Darryl
As discussed, please find attached our DRAFT report related to "FENZ
funding to the United Fire Brigades Association." You will notice a slight
reframing of the exec summary from what we showed you on Friday to
align with the CSO. But the key messages are still there.
Can you please review and provide us any feedback prior to us completing
a final format and finalising the report. We are happy to have a further
conversation if that is easier for you.
Thanks for your support during this engagement.
ReleasedNgā mihi

under the Offical Information Act 1982