10 August 2022
45 Pipitea Street, Wellington 6011
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Tēnā koe Angela
OIA requests for information about birth registration
Thank you for your Official Information Act (Act) requests received by the Department of
Internal Affairs (Department) on 15 July 2022.
I have attached your requests at
Appendix A and B, as they are too lengthy to include or
summarise in this response.
As you are aware, you have been corresponding with the Department for a little over 12
months. During that time, you have corresponded with the Chief Executive, the Registrar-
General of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the Department’s complaint inbox, and via the FYI
The Department has endeavoured to respond to your correspondence and address your
concerns. We have advised you that you appear to be under some misconceptions about the
Department, birth registration and birth certificates.
I want to take this opportunity to reiterate that New Zealand birth certificates:
• are not linked to bonds or financial institutions
• only have reference numbers on the back for internal use by the Department — these
are not shared with other agencies
• cannot usually be used on their own as proof of identity.
The Department registers births in New Zealand as required under the Births, Deaths, Marriages
and Relationships Registration Act.
As the Department has made every effort to respond to your ongoing requests I am refusing
your requests of 15 July 2022 pursuant to section 18(h) of the Act: that the request is frivolous
or vexatious or that the information requested is trivial.
I consider your ongoing requests for information that the Department has repeatedly advised
does not exist to be vexatious. This decision relates to the two requests outlined in the
appendices only. Any subsequent requests for official information will be considered.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi
Julia Taylor
Manager Operational Policy and Official Correspondence
Service Delivery and Operations
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Appendix A: Request 1 - Received 15/07/2022
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
Attention: the man acting as Registrar General Jeff Montgomery
Attention: the woman acting as Registrar Kim Chambers
Attention: the woman acting as Registrar Maria Robertson
I have requests for information as follows:
1. Release data entry of personal information for ANGELA KAY folio entry 473/68 recorded in all caps
denoting an organisation according to Chicago Styles Manual and Rules of English Grammar, this entry
does not identify a living individual.
Please release data entry of a rg9 & rg27 2. Release data entry of personal information of Angela Kay
recorded in the correct style and according to the rules of english grammar that identifies a living child,
registration date August 30, 1968. Any document you hold to be emailed to me.
Do not provide an updated printout only an RG9 & RG27; in printable DATA form of both requests for
name of STREET.
THE REQUEST ABOVE IS NOT A request for birth certificates - this is not a request for any type of birth
certificate, only data entry, held with the registrar general.
I would like to be emailed a copy of the book entry made for the living child
3. A copy of the consent to contract to be a NZ Citizen, wet ink signature signed by either mum or dad, or
myself which gives authority to the creation of a CERTIFICATE, being the bdm107a document that
attaches a surname and creates a legal entity, where is the authorisation for the creation of this legal
4. Where is the legal permission by way of a conscious act, that grants authority to the Registrar General
to create a state legal entity from the information supplied by mum and dad at the time of the birth
registration process?
5. Can the DIA provide:
Reports, memos, letters, notes, advice and emails Materials like tape recordings, videos or computer
records and Internal policies or guidelines for decision making Reasons for decisions made about you.
Everything that can be collated with regards to the Cestui Que NZ Act that is being denied to exist, via
the Maori Real Estate Management Act for half castes and their descendants and also NZ Insurance
company Trust.
Please provide information on the numbers of individual living beings of Maori ancestry who are
currently accessing the Cestui Que Trust, please include those who have placed this as a trust authorised
by the governor general when accessing funds via the Ministry of Social development please. (evidence
of cestui Que c.f Maori Real Estate Management Act, NZ Insurance Company Trust)
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Please provide all documents, reports, memos, notes, letters and any information held regarding the
New Zealand Insurance Company Trust and the holding company Trivium Europe SPV ltd and its activities
as executors of Estates of the Native Maori people.
Please provide all information pertaining to who the executors and Insurance company trust who carried
out the probating of the estate of Katerina Horanga o te whanau Smith nee Wirihana, and Riria Nancy
Street, Raymond Andrew Street, Te Waru Tamatea, Mautiki Te Waru and Hera Tuaiti. If you need dates
of death I can supply these.
I am requesting this information as it pertains to the following acts: Statute Law Revision Act 1888 (c3)
and section 3 of the Statute Law Revision Act of 1948 (c62).
The Executors would have approached the probate court with a copy of the WILL and Death Certificate
when those whanau passed away, i want to know all there is about their operations here.
The ambiguous way in which BDM and Registrar General Jeff Montgomery have set up documents,
allows for an ambiguous recording, whereby alive or dead cannot be established. A Deliberate act of
deception so legal plunder can occur of the ESTATES of the Maori people.
All information regarding the created birth documents, registration information, death and marriage
documents and the probate process, evidence and consent they gave to the creation of the documents
treating them all as TRUST property/RES/CORPUS of a trust. All paperwork with wet ink signature and
permission to create a legal entity out of the information provided, the full size of the estate and all
whenua taonga tuku iho attached to those estates.
If any entry does not exist for Angela Kay, then i request that you amend your records immediately, as
requested previously; to show updated, accurate and not misleading information about me.
Yours faithfully,
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Appendix B: Request 2 - Received 15/07/2022
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
Please provide all documentation, emails, notes, memos recorded, and or written that pertain to the
consensus that is sent out every 7years, that assumes a person deceased and where no families
members have claimed the deeds of that individual, which then gives legal excuse to the CROWN to
claim the estate of that individual?
Native Right Holders are conveyed on paper as the ORIGINAL issue from the whenua taonga tuku iho, we
are not TRUST property, yet that is what we are being conveyed as, because the use of the word RES-
ident is a Trust term, The phrase Estate Trust let’s you know that the Certificate of Live Birth is a Trust
(res) that identifies an estate.
An identifiable thing, part of a district, not a man, woman or child.
Corporations being legal fictions, do not work loss or injury to any man; it is man often in the name of a
legal fiction, who works loss injury to man.
It is one thing to create a legal fiction about One, and another to deny the existence of this legal fiction.
Yours faithfully,
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