This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'information regarding any court attendance, court case, charges or conviction of Mr Clarke Timothy Gayford within the years 2019 - present dayt'.

5 September 2022 
Phil ippa Scott 
[FYI request #18892 email]  
Dear Phillippa 
Request for information 
I am writing in response to your Official Information Act 1982 request of 15 March 2022, 
in which you wrote: 
Do the New Zealand police have any record of, or any information regarding any 
court attendance, court case, charges or conviction of Mr Clarke Timothy Gayford 
within the years of 2019 to 2022 inclusive. The following statement is from the 
Police in 2018 and was printed in The NZ Herald but Newshub have a false story 
saying Police gave that statement a few weeks ago 
"on this occasion we can say that Mr Gayford is not and has not been the subject 

of any police inquiry, nor has he been charged in relation to any matter". 
please dont refer me to newshub fake news story 

This request was original y transferred to the Ministry of Justice on 16 March 2022. After 
discussion with the office of the Ombudsman in August 2022, Police has reconsidered 
this approach.  
I can advise Mr Gayford is not and has not been the subject of any police inquiry, nor has 
he been charged in relation to any matter.  
I can also confirm Police did provide that statement to Newshub in March 2022 and the 
article did accurately quote Police in this case. 
Yours sincerely 
Lee Hodgson 
Director – Ministerial Services 
New Zealand Police