01 February 2022
Tim Adriaansen
By email.
Dear Tim,
Re: information relating to - a breakdown of all Low Cost Low Risk projects which were
allocated funding under the Low Cost/Low
Risk category, for the period 2018-2021, in the 2015 RLTP (updated 2018). This information
can be restricted to
those items which appear in TABLE 1: PRIORITY 1 EXPENDITURE on pages 42 and 43 of the
Canterbury Regional Land
Transport Plan 2015 - 2025.
In particular, I am seeking information on which projects included improved pedestrian or
cycling facilities, what the
locations of the improvements were and what their budget allocation was.
Please include projects which were funded in this period but may have had construction
delayed into the current
funding period. (our ref. 479).
We have decided to release the information you have requested; please see a spreadsheet
attached and refer to ‘Activity Name’, ‘Primary short to medium benefit class’ and ‘Total
Cost’ Column for the information sought. This is a Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Spreadsheet which is
locked so there is limited ability to highlight this information.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this further with us, please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Cathy Matheson.
Records Advisor
Mackenzie District Council