Simon Waalkens
Rice Speir Solicitors
By email:
[email address]
Dear Simon,
Official information request - Cal aghan Innovation IP programme and IP services.
I refer to your official information request dated 10 February 2021 for the fol owing information:
Please share any information Cal aghan Innovation has relevant to support or justify a need to provide
the Innovation IP programme, “Innovation IP Services” or a similar programme next year.
Please advise whether this information has not been made publical y available, and if not why not?
Does Cal aghan Innovation have any information on any specific intel ectual property services that
New Zealand businesses may benefit from but are not being accessed by New Zealand businesses? If
so, why has this information not been made publicly available?
Please outline any work performed and information gathered by Cal aghan Innovation to assess what
Intel ectual Property related services already exist in the New Zealand market and how wel these
services are being accessed by businesses.
Does the Innovation IP programme involve Cal aghan Innovation selecting Intel ectual Property service
providers to provide services to New Zealand businesses with those services being co funded by
Cal aghan Innovation? If so, please explain how Cal aghan Innovation is qualified in the interests of
New Zealand businesses to select a restricted group of IP service providers from a wider group of IP
service providers that may apply to be included in the programme?
Has Cal aghan Innovation held, at any time, information identifying specific intel ectual property
related services that may be needed by New Zealand businesses, to support the Innovation IP
programme or a similar programme next year being needed? If so, has this information been
published, and if not why not?
Has Cal aghan Innovation made a decision on whether or not it should offer financial support through
the Innovation IP programme or similar programme next year if intel ectual property service providers in
New Zealand offer equivalent services in competition to the programme, whether before the
programme next year commences or afterwards? If so, please share the decision.
Has Cal aghan Innovation already engaged with any Intel ectual Property providers to design the
programme proposed for next year? If so, please identify these service providers.
The information you have requested is below, however, please note that the OIA only applies to information
that is already held by Cal aghan Innovation. There is no obligation on Cal aghan Innovation to create
information in order to respond to a request. Some of the information you are seeking in this OIA request is
not held by Cal aghan Innovation but would need to be created in order to respond to your request. I am
therefore refusing parts of your request under section 18(g) of the OIA, because Cal aghan Innovation does
not hold any official information on certain parts of those matters.
Rukuhia te wāhi ngaro, hei maunga tātai whetū
Explore the unknown, pursue excellence
www.cal aghan innovation .govt.nz | Page 1
1. Please share any information Cal aghan Innovation has relevant to support or justify a need to
provide the Innovation IP programme, “Innovation IP Services” or a similar programme next year.
Please refer to our response to your “Innovation IP review” questions that were sent to you on 10
February 2021 (“
February response ”). Please refer specifical y to our answer to your question 8, as the
same response applies.
2. Please advise whether this information has not been made publical y available, and if not why not?
Regarding any reasons as to “why not” - this is information that does not exist, and would require us to
form an opinion to respond (refused under section 18(g)).
3. Does Cal aghan Innovation have any information on any specific intel ectual property services that
New Zealand businesses may benefit from but are not being accessed by New Zealand businesses? If
so, why has this information not been made publicly available?
Please refer to the February response (questions 8, 9 and 10). The same response applies.
4. Please outline any work performed and information gathered by Cal aghan Innovation to assess
what Intel ectual Property related services already exist in the New Zealand market and how wel these
services are being accessed by businesses .
Please refer to the February response (questions 8, 9 and 10). The same response applies.
5. Does the Innovation IP programme involve Cal aghan Innovation selecting Intel ectual Property
service providers to provide services to New Zealand businesses with those services being cofunded by
Cal aghan Innovation? If so, please explain how Cal aghan Innovation is qualified in the interests of
New Zealand businesses to select a restricted group of IP service providers from a wider group of IP
service providers that may apply to be included in the programme?
Yes, it does. Regarding any explanation as to how Cal aghan Innovation may be qualified to do so is -
this is not official information, and would require us to form an opinion to respond (refused under section
18(g)) as mentioned above.
6. Has Cal aghan Innovation held, at any time, information identifying specific intel ectual property
related services that may be needed by New Zealand businesses, to support the Innovation IP
programme or a similar programme next year being needed? If so, has this information been published,
and if not why not?
Please refer to the February response (questions 8, 9 and 10). The same response applies.
7. Has Cal aghan Innovation made a decision on whether or not it should offer financial support
through the Innovation IP programme or similar programme next year if intel ectual property service
providers in New Zealand offer equivalent services in competition to the programme, whether before
the programme next year commences or afterwards? If so, please share the decision.
Yes. The decision is that Cal aghan Innovation should continue to operate the Innovation IP or a similar
programme next year.
8. Has Cal aghan Innovation already engaged with any Intel ectual Property providers to design the
programme proposed for next year? If so, please identify these service providers.
No, Cal aghan Innovation has not. Intel ectual Property providers do not design the programme. Design
wil be done internal y, in consultation with customers and industry providers as and where required
Rukuhia te wāhi ngaro, hei maunga tātai whetū
Explore the unknown, pursue excellence
www.cal aghan innovation .govt.nz | Page 2
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available a
t www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Kind regards,
Stefan Korn
General Manager - Market, Engagement and Experience and Sectors
Cal aghan Innovation
Rukuhia te wāhi ngaro, hei maunga tātai whetū
Explore the unknown, pursue excellence
www.cal aghan innovation .govt.nz | Page 3