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Urban Form and Transport Initiative

(DC 101)
Urban Form and Transport Development Committee
Date of meeting:  30/04/2019
Objective ID:
Executive summary
That the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee:
(a)  Receive Report DC101 - Urban Form and Transport
Initiative Update
Summary of issue
·  Phase one of the UFTI is now complete with the draft project
plan completed.
·  Appointments have been made for the roles of Project Director,
Project Manager and Technical Transport Advisor.
·  The Urban Form and Transport Initiative is moving into the
second phase, which will deliver the Foundation Report.
·  NZTA funding agreed for 43% of project costs with remainder
to be funded by SmartGrowth Partners.
·  Staff will meet Minister Twyford (Minister for Housing and
Transport) on 15 May, with a focus on progressing the near
term transport projects required to support housing capacity,
principally being the Tauriko Network Plan and Tauranga
Northern Link/SH2 improvements. This meeting will be
supported by an independent review of remaining capacity
currently being prepared.
·  The Hewletts Road sub-area will also be a priority for UFTI
focus in the short term to agree a collective plan to address
congestion affecting the Port of Tauranga operations.
The UFTI seeks to confirm a long term integrated plan for urban
form and transport and associated actions for the SmartGrowth
Partners and Government. This work is intended to unlock
investment in the infrastructure necessary to support further growth
in the Western Bay sub-region.
Strategic context
The UFTI is a project supported by the SmartGrowth partners to
deliver the SmartGrowth settlement pattern. The project is
therefore integrated with the Future Development Strategy and
Tauranga Urban Strategy.
Next steps
·  UFTI team will prepare for visit on 15 May by Minister.
·  UFTI team will progress Phase 2 work.
·  Complete independent review of remaining capacity for
housing and report back to next Committee meeting.
A9947253 – DC101 – Urban Form and Transport Initiative Update

Phase One Complete
1.  The UFTI has completed the first phase of work, completing a draft project plan and
establishing project governance and key resources required to deliver the remainder of
the project.
2.  The following appointments have been made to lead the delivery of the project:
o  Project Director – Robert Brodnax
o  Project Manager – Janeane Joyce
o  Technical Transport Advisor – Ben Peacey
3.  All three appointments were introduced to the SmartGrowth Leadership Group meeting
on 17 April.
Phase Two Commenced
4.  The UFTI is now moving into the second phase where the new appointments will be ‘on-
boarded’ and will quickly finalise the project plan and complete the Foundation Report
over the next two months.
5.  The Foundation Report will confirm the operating context; objectives for the project;
baseline programme (including gaps); how options to complete a network master plan
will be evaluated; and how success against the objectives will be measured. This will set
the ‘foundation’ for evaluating options for the short/medium and long term in the next
phase of the project. Key outputs are therefore:
o  Confirmed project objectives
o  Evaluation criteria for assessing options during the next phase of work
o  Determining the measures (KPIs) that will allow the project outcomes to be
measured against the project objectives over time.
Project Funding and Timing
6.  NZTA has confirmed it will fund 43% of UFTI costs. The remainder of the project costs
will be met by the SmartGrowth Partners.
7.  Indicative timeframes for the five remaining project stages have been included in the
draft Project Plan which track towards the final report being produced in December 2019.
The timeframes will be confirmed once the new appointments are on board and have
reviewed and finalised the project plan.
Near-Term Projects
8.  There are three major near-term projects that will benefit from direct input from the UFTI
throughout all phases. These are:
o  Tauranga Northern Link
o  Tauriko Network Plan
o  Hewletts Road / Totara Street sub-area
9.  The UFTI recognises the need to support and progress these projects with urgency due
to their role in enabling capacity for housing and (in the case of the Hewlett’s Road sub-
area) addressing congestion that affects freight access to the Port of Tauranga.
A9947253 – DC101 – Urban Form and Transport Initiative Update

Visit by Minister for Housing and Transport 15 May
10. Minister Twyford is scheduled to visit on 15 May. The focus of the visit will be the
importance of government transport investment to unlock capacity for housing and on
economic growth given the national role of the Port of Tauranga. He will meet with
mayors, Chair and senior council staff as well as the Port of Tauranga executive and
representatives from the development community.
11. An independent review of remaining capacity for new homes and land for subdivision is
currently being undertaken. This work will consider the analysis to date by council staff
and the matters raised by three developers in their public forum at the Committee
meeting on 12 March. This review is not yet completed but will be available for the
Minister on 15 May and will be reported to the next meeting of this Committee.
Significance and engagement
12. This report is of low significance as it is only an update of ongoing UFTI work and there
are no substantive decisions sought.
13. A communications and engagement plan has been developed for the UFTI and is being
managed by through UFTI governance arrangements.
UFTI Principles
Objective ID: A9952707
Doug Spittle – Principal Strategic Advisor
Andrew Mead – Manager: City and Infrastructure Planning
Christine Jones – General Manager: Strategy and Growth
A9947253 – DC101 – Urban Form and Transport Initiative Update