This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Government Rental Support to Community Housing Providers'.

29 May 2020 
Tom Dickie 
[FYI request #12446 email]   
Dear Mr Dickie 
I refer to your request of 14 March 2020 to the Ministry of Social Development, requesting, under 
the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following information: 
Please advise, in financial terms, the amount of NZ dollars provided to Registered Community 
Housing Providers (CHPs) and the resultant number of people occupied in new housing 
accommodation constructed in the calendar year of 2019, as a direct consequence of the monies 
provided to CHPs within the calendar year of 2019, that otherwise would not have resulted in the 
housing accommodation having been constructed and people housed. 

On  17  March 2020,  your request was transferred in full to the Ministry of Housing and Urban 
Development (the Ministry) for response.  
This Government is seeing more people asking for help with accommodation than ever before. As 
you may be aware, Budget 2020 announced funding of $570 million over the next four years to 
provide an extra 8,000 homes;  approximately 6,000 public housing homes  and 2,000 transitional 
homes. The Ministry will continue to work with Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora), 
Community Housing Providers (CHPs) and the wider housing sector to achieve the Government’s 
goal of increasing the supply of public housing.  
In response to your request, I note you have asked for “the number of people occupied in new 
housing accommodation constructed in the calendar year of 2019, as a direct consequence of the 
monies provided to CHPs within the calendar year of 2019”.
 Gathering the information to indicate 
those housed as a direct consequence of monies provided in 2019 would involve a manual search 
and review of all invoices in order to match the funding to the places provided. As such, this part of 
your request has been refused under section 18(f) of the Act, due to the substantial collation required. 
In addition, it should be noted that funding for new builds is provided in instalments as construction 
progresses. Therefore, the  funding  that is provided to CHPs in one calendar year does not 
necessarily reflect the total construction cost of the places or that those places will be ready to accept 
tenants in that same calendar year. Construction build times can vary and there are many factors 
that can affect the length of time, most recently we have seen this occur with the response to 
The Ministry holds information on the number of public housing tenancies. A public housing tenancy 
could be for a single person, or a family. Without manual collation we are unable to provide the 
number of distinct people housed, instead we can provide the number of tenancies, which can be 
understood as the number of ‘households’ housed.