Make a request

To: Erica Stanford

Portfolios and other responsibilities:

  • Minister of Education;
  • Minister of Immigration,
  • Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission’s Report into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions.

This person has multiple portfolios. When making a request, we recommend noting which portfolios your request is about.

Browse other requests to 'Erica Stanford' for examples of how to word your request.

Everything that you enter on this page, including your name, will be displayed publicly on this website forever.

Thinking of using a pseudonym?

Can I request information about myself? No! Instead we recommend AboutMe from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

  • Write your request in simple, precise language.
  • Ask for specific documents or information, this site is not suitable for general enquiries.
  • Keep it focused, you'll be more likely to get what you want.

A one line summary of the information you are requesting, e.g. 'Total number of book issues per library'