Tauranga City Council
A public authority
91 requests
1 follower
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Good afternoon Emilia,
I hope you are well 😊 Please see the information below and attached that
answers your question about the cameras at Bay Venues...
Good morning Maurice
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga City...
Commercial activity in 172 Bellevue Road Tauranga
Response by Tauranga City Council to Judy Gray on .
Mōrena Judy
Thank you for your request, it is unclear what official information you
are asking for.
We have reviewed the location of the p...
Total cost, including cost breakdown, of the Phoenix Park development, Mount Maunganui
Response by Tauranga City Council to Andrew Hollis on .
Dear Mr Hollis
Please see attached Council’s response.
Karen Cowan | Administrator: Legal
Tauranga City Council | 07 577 720...
Good afternoon Kalan
Please find our letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Good afternoon Max
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Good afternoon John
Please find your final response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor...
Tēnā koe
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga City Coun...
2020 Councillor Communications LOGIMA contents
Response by Tauranga City Council to Mr F Flaggson on .
Good evening F Flaggson
Please find your response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor |...
Good afternoon Maurice
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tēnā koe Maurice
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga C...
Good afternoon Tim
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Contracts the council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Tauranga City Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Tēnā koe Anna
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga City...
Mōrena F Flaggson
Please find your response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor |
Good afternoon Maurice
Please find your response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Darelle Howard (she/her) | Administrator: Democracy Servic...
Good afternoon Max
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Health and Safety Plan/Risk Managment Plan for use of herbicides in public areas.
Response by Tauranga City Council to Christine Woods on .
Good morning Christine
Please find your response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Darelle Howard (she/her) | Administrator: Democracy Servic...
Applications open for the CCO board intern programme
Response by Tauranga City Council to john luke on .
Good afternoon John
Please find your response letter attached.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor |
Official information request: Totara Street safety
Response by Tauranga City Council to Shane Plummer on .
Môrena S Plummer
Please find your response letter and attachments enclosed with this email.
Ngâ mihi
Emily Clarke | Democracy Ser...
Freedom Camping Act homeless exemption
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Good afternoon Maurice
Please find your response letter enclosed.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor |
Tauranga Multi Use Boutique Stadium Preliminary Business Case Document
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Good afternoon Maurice
Please find your response letter and attachment enclosed.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Serv...
Request for communications regarding delay of Tauranga Racecourse hearings
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Maurice
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga Cit...
Sulphur Point Reclassification
Response by Tauranga City Council to Max Spenseley on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Max
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
Megan Yardley (she/her) | Democracy Services Advisor
Tauranga City...
Additional on Maunganui Road safety improvements project
Response by Tauranga City Council to Shane Plummer on .
Good afternoon Shane
Please find your response letter and attachments enclosed.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke (she/her) | Democracy Servi...
Request for Road Safety audits completed for : DC98 - Transport Corridor Improvements – 15th Avenue
Response by Tauranga City Council to Shane Plummer on .
Good afternoon Shane
Please find your response letter and attachments enclosed.
Ngā mihi
Emily Clarke | Democracy Services Adviso...
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