NZ On Air

A public authority

29 requests
Information relating to "Bad News"
Request to NZ On Air by Sergio Giorgini. Annotated by Ryan on .
Waiting clarification.
Hilaire Carmody Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive NZ On Air | Irirangi Te Motu Pronouns: She/Her Just answer the question…
NZ On Air funding for Web of Chaos documentary
Request to NZ On Air by Damien De Ment. Annotated by Erika Whittome on .
Long overdue.
Was a complaint made to the ombudsman for no response to this request for information?
Tourism tour
Response by NZ On Air to Charmaine wadham on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Charmaine, Thank you for your enquiry. As NZ On Air was formed in 1989, this footage would predate our organisation. I suggest you may have b...
Editorial Constraints imposed on those receiving funding from the PIJF
Response by NZ On Air to C. Schock on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe,   Please find attached the finalised response to your OIA request dated 1^st December 2023. Nāku noa, nā  New Zealand On Air [1]ww...
Misclassification of the Asia-Pacific region as the 'Indo-Pacific'
Follow up sent to NZ On Air by Ali Anwar on .
Long overdue.
Your pernicious influence over funding recipients is obviously not primarily conducted though publicly accessible documents, which I am quite capabl...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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