Land Information New Zealand

A public authority, also called LINZ

Also use this authority for requests to the Overseas Investment Office (OIO), which is a unit within LINZ. Identify your request as for the OIO.

80 requests

(page 2)

Ban on foreign purchases of houses in nz
Response by Land Information New Zealand to Cindy Black on .
Long overdue.
Hi Cindy   Thank you for your email of 1 November requesting under the Official Information Act, copies of any and all advice provided by LINZ and...
Case 201520025 consideration for forestry sale
Response by Land Information New Zealand to wayne Drogemuller on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Roger   Attached is a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards   Pete Hill Team Manager OIO Research and Support O...
Hi Michelle   Attached is a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards   Pete Hill Research and Support Officer Oversea...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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