Gore District Council

A public authority

8 requests
Camping ground licences
Response by Gore District Council to Tim Carter on .
  Good afternoon Please find attached a response to your recent LGOIMA Many thanks   --------------------------------------------------------...
Employee surveys
Response by Gore District Council to Mal Robertson on .
Good morning Mal   Please find attached the information you asked for. If there’s anything else we can help you with please contact our corporate...
Dear Lynn, your official information request refers.   In response to your enquiry, I can confirm that the Gore District Council does not carry ou...
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: scan_sjones_2020-10-13-15-19-35 Note: To protect against computer vi...
Library wage levels
Response by Gore District Council to R Leveson on .
Partially successful.
Good evening,   Thanks for your enquiry. The Gore District Council employs 11 people in its public libraries. The Council does not have any librar...
Response by Gore District Council to Sam Fraser on .
Further to your email received by our Chief Executive, Mr Stephen Parry on 25 May 2012, seeking staff information, I have attached a copy of our curr...
For completeness I should have added that the Council has not considered abolishing its long standing practice of holding an opening prayer in the wa...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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