Stadium arrangements

Paul Campbell made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council

The request was refused by Dunedin City Council.

From: Paul Campbell

Dear Dunedin City Council,

Recently Dave Davies was quoted about the recent ORFU deal:

'Mr Davies said the deal with the ORFU was different, and he expected
some people would be "enraged" by it.'

Obviously council employees or employees of council companies doing deals that would enrage the ratepayers are a topical item of obvious interest to ratepayers - I'd like to ask the following question of the DCC under the LGOIMA:

"What information do DCC employees or employees of DCC companies have
about the stadium that might enrage the ratepayers?"

I understand that because there is only one rugby union in Dunedin and only one stadium there is no competition for venues or customers and therefore there can be no question of 'commercial interest' in keeping arrangements secret.

This is obviously an open ended question, Mr Davies admission that the council has secrets that might enrage ratepayers is obviously troubling and leads to question what other information the council might be holding that also might enrage ratepayers, I've limited my question to the issue of the stadium to reduce the scope to something manageable. My use of the word 'might' leaves it open to the ratepayers to decide whether to be enraged (not the DCC).

Yours faithfully,

Paul Campbell

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From: FYI Requests

Dear Paul
I refer to your request for information relating to the Stadium.  Your
request will be considered under the Local Government Official Information
and Meetings Act and a response provided to you as soon as possible or
within 20 working days.
Jennifer Lapham
Governance Support Officer
Dunedin City Council
50 The Octagon, Dunedin; P O Box 5045, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand
Telephone: 03 477 4000; Fax: 03 474 3594
Email: [1][email address]; [2]
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From: Sandy Graham
Dunedin City Council

Dear Paul

After reviewing your request, I am transferring it to Dunedin Venues Management Limited pursuant to section 12(b)(i) of LGOIMA as I believe the information requested is held by DVML.

For your information, DVML is a Council Controlled Organisation, covered directly by LGOIMA. Mr Davies is the CEO of DVML.


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From: Paul Campbell

Dear Dunedin City Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Dunedin City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Stadium arrangements'.

The statutory date for response to this LGFOIA has passed it is now in arrears

While you have passed on to Mr Davies one portion of my request you have not yet responded to the other portion which asked for a list of ALL secrets the DCC holds that might anger ratepayers.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Paul Campbell

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Joshua Grainger left an annotation ()

In NZ we don't have an internal review system: it is just there because the software was copied from the UK, where they do have it. The proper thig to do instead is to file a complaint with the Ombudsmen's Office. They have a form on their website.

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From: FYI Requests

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Hello Mr Campbell


Please find attached communication from David Davies.











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Paul Campbell left an annotation ()

As mentioned in my original request, and despite what Mr Davies claims, there can be no question of commercial sensitivity for this request as there is no competing stadium who might gain a commercial advantage by knowing this information, nor is there a competing rugby union in negotiations to use the stadium

There are no commercial sensitivities here - sadly in Dunedin this has become a regular way to avoid public scrutiny with more than half of the council's business being done behind the commercial secrecy veil - any suggestions as to how one can make requests to get around this would be greatly appreciated

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Rowan Crawford left an annotation ()

I would suggest you consider a complaint to the Ombudsmen -- your followup request is useful as more confined, but there's no reason you can't do the two in parallel.

I'm working on removing the internal review option, and after that will look at whether I can make forwarding requests to the Ombudsmen an easier process.

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Things to do with this request

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