Use of QEII lane pool by water polo groups

B R Nolan made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

The request was successful.

From: B R Nolan

Dear Christchurch City Council,

Why is the lane pool locked down to Water polo groups several evenings a week; and for events over weekends?
Why is the local community excluded from the use of the lane pool?
What is the policy on this; who made this policy?
When will this policy be reviewed?

Why is the sport pool at Jellie swimming pool not used for the water polo groups and water polo events - the Jellie pool complex has in addition to the sports pool, a 25 metre pool, various leisure pools, and a summer 50 metre pool; as well as another 25 metre pool at Graham Condon pools, 3 kilometres away.

Why has the council decided to place water polo in the only lane pool available to the east of the city?

Why is the council not placing water polo in the parts of the city that have more pools?

Yours faithfully,

Bruce Russell

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From: Official Information
Christchurch City Council

Dear Bruce,

Thank you for your email, received on 24 November 2018.

Staff from the Council's Recreation and Sports Unit have provided the
following response to your questions:

The pool space allocation for Taiora:QEII was very challenging with the a
large number of user groups requesting space. As this is the first new
facility to open post-earthquake there were a number of user groups who
were operating with limited space. The opening of Taiora: QEII allowed us
to provide a solution for these groups but - as always – balancing this
need with other groups, including individual pool users, is always

Unfortunately there is no public lane swimming space in the main 25m pool
at Taiora:QEII on a Monday night after 7pm and on a Wednesday afternoon
between 4:30pm and 6pm. This is due to the pool being used by Water Polo
(which requires a 2m deep pool). We have accommodated pubic lane swimming
at all other times in the main 25m pool, ensured public lane swimming is
available in the 25m learn to swim pool at the completion of lessons, and
ensured public swimming is accommodated at all our other sites during
these two time slots. There are only two 2m deep pools in the City one at
Jellie Park and one at Taiora:QEII, in order to minimise the disruption to
public we maximise the use of Jellie Park as much as we can for water
polo, canoe polo, bug polo, underwater hockey, and competitive swimming
before utilising Taiora:QEII. There are also occasions where large events
require more hours than we are able to accommodate at Jellie park in order
to stage the event.

We understand that it can be frustrating for some pool users, and will be
reviewing pool allocations early in term 1.

We appreciate your feedback as this allows us to get a good understanding
from all our pool users of their experience and the demands on our pool

Kind regards,

Sean Rainey
Senior Information Adviser and Privacy Officer
Office of the Chief Executive
Christchurch City Council
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8011
PO Box 73016, Christchurch 8154

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