Child in custody of chief executive

Belinda Blair made this Official Information request to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children

The request was partially successful.

From: Belinda Blair

Dear Child Youth and Family,

May I request the following information?

What would be the expected cost per year for CYF for a child in the custody of the chief executive.
Specifically removed under section 14(1)e of the Children, young persons and their family act 1989. Either in the care of specialised caregivers or a CYF specialised residential home for children that have displayed concerning or harmful sexual behaviours?

What is the current cost to CYF for each client for specialised early intervention programs for a 12 month period, from providers such as the SAFE Network?

How many CYF referred children or young people have completed the SAFE intervention programs (or similar programs) and then reoffended?

Yours faithfully,

Belinda Blair

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Things to do with this request

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