Northmall Building Consents - Supplementary Request

Thomas Holmes made this Official Information request to Hamilton City Council

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Hamilton City Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Thomas Holmes

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I am writing to request information relating to the Northmall complex located on Ulster Street. This request is supplementary to my request earlier this year.

Specifically, for the time period of the Northmall complex's first consents through to the year 2000, please provide a copy of the following:
- All building consents; and
- All plans (e.g. floor plans, architectural plans) that accompany any building consents; and
- All fire report documents that accompany each building consent.
- All code of compliance documents that accompany each building consent.

I understand that the total file size of these documents will be quite large. I am happy to provide a USB drive if you let me know the total file size.

Thank you for your help with this request.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Holmes

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From: Thomas Holmes

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I am writing to follow up on this LGOIMA request for Northmall Consents as the response should be due by 3 July.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Holmes

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Joshua Rogers left an annotation ()

Interesting they still have not responded to this OIA. I'd recommend following this up.

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Things to do with this request

Hamilton City Council only: