This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Cost of enforcement'.

Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348, New Zealand  
QUEENSTOWN, 10 Gorge Road, Phone +64 3 441 0499, Fax +64 3 450 2223 
WANAKA, 47 Ardmore Street, Phone +64 3 443 0024, Fax +64 3 450 2223 
30 October 2018 
Annie Weston 
Sent via email to: [FYI request #8960 email] 
Dear Annie, 
Thank  you  for  your  request  for  official  information  dated  30  October  2018.  You  have  asked  the 
Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) the following question: 
  Once QLDC has determined a breach of consent, how much does it cost please to enforce it? 
QLDC is currently considering your request, and will communicate a decision to you by 27 November 
2018 unless otherwise advised. 
QLDC is committed to the principle of availability and is pleased to be assisting you with your request. 
Kind regards, 
Madeline Patterson 
Governance and Official Information Advisor