This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Recruitment Summary'.
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Lower North Recruiting
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment - Reference Details Needed
Application ID: 
Kia ora TAG4, 
I am pleased to confirm that you have met the required standards for interview and you will now 
progress to the next step of the selection process, reference checks. 
As discussed at the interview, I will complete the reference check with your most current or recent 
employer. The other two reference checks will be conducted by XREF (online reference checking 
tool). XREF will contact you directly (by email) and give you instructions on the process to follow. 
Please reply to this emailwithin the next three daysand provide me with the following details for 
your current/most recent employer: 

Organisation Name:

Employed From:

Employed To:

Manager’s Name:

Manager’s Phone Number:

Manager’s Email Address:
If you have any questions regarding this please contact me directly. 
Nga mihi, 
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment